UNF-INGBELIEVABLE....3rd and 11. Under center. Playaction pass. With this O-line. Wow.
I just do not understand. We have a great drive and follow it up with more slow developing plays. WTF?!?
You can’t make this stuff up.3rd and 11. Under center. Playaction pass. With this O-line. Wow.
Butch bashers should just shut up
3rd and 11. Under center. Playaction pass. With this O-line. Wow.
Where is the run game?????
He did... When it was 1st and 1Enos flat out refusing to run on first down
He was. It just wasn’t going to be his.I'm gonna say it again..
There's NO WAY Saban was going to let Enos run this offense at Alabama.