Canes test positive

so let me understand this we can't trust the numbers, but we must follow the numbers : now we find out that over multiple labs were testing 100% positive on test, oh that's because they were only processing positive and not negatives Orlando Health now admits that positive rate is not 98% but 9.8% while VA says positive rate isn't 94.6 but 9.5 : yeah makes perfect sense to follow the numbers. By the way how did we handle covid before, ithis isn't the first time we cross this virus. don't remember shutting squat down, were told mask were no good, and we didn't get a vaccine . My, my how times have change

Is English your first language? Christ have mercy, I hope not.
I genuinely don’t understand it. Like, my brain doesn’t compute this line of thinking. I seriously can’t stand people.
It's a sickening reality--we are living in a country that elected by almost a majority of votes a reality TV huckster whose claim to fame prior to becoming the leader of the free world was arguing with Rosie O'Donnell on twitter and bankrupting every business venture he touched. This the reality we live in, so it shouldn't be a surprise that those same braindead louts are now claiming that masks are a conspiracy to suffocate them and COVID is a hoax taken part in by multiple countries to bring down a guy who is going to pull a Walt Mondale on his own in a couple months.
Wearing a mask for a virus makes as much sense as putting chicken wire on your windows to keep the rain off your glass

It's simple physics! Viruses can blow right through the fiber separation of these "masks." I'm personally sick and tired of these folks who erroneously think masks actually WORK. They don't!

Lots of folks get in line to get tested - sign the book - the line is too slow, and they go home. Only to get a notification that they tested posiitive.

Not just one or two here and there - lots of positive test results - when they didn't even take the test!

Sounds like some of these tests are contaminated - BEFORE they're used.

Covid in various forms has been around for decades! So if you HAD been exposed previously - and got over it - you can test positive!

It's EVIDENT that you, and your ILK, haven't done the HOMEWORK on the nefarious deadly disease! duh! Simply because the contagion has a thing called RATE of GAIN, and the rate of gain WASN'T seen in previous contagions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Triple duh. So I suggest you, and your ilk, google " rate of gain.

And another reason why, AMONG OTHERS, the contagion is still hanging around in the SUMMER, is because it's a DNA MANUFACTURED contagion, i.e., BIOLOGICAL WAR WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh. And one more notion. Perhaps you should find some other interest to occupy your right-wing Republican time, because it's highly UNLIKELY, but still possible, there will be a major CFB season come the Ides of September.
You can't just look at the size of a virus. You have to look at mode of transportation, distance, force, everything. If you talk, small droplets of spit float out of your mouth for the world to enjoy. When you do that into a mask, it's greatly reduced. The droplets are blocked by the mask, even a worthless cotton one. Add a folded papertowel inside, works even better. Wear an ASTM surgical masks.....just about nothing will get through. Does air still travel around the outside of the mask? Sure. But those droplets will be caught inside the mask.

You can talk filters all you want - we aren't talking HVAC and only about moving air here and size of particulates.
according to studies droplets from covid are actually smaller than the flu, but we don't wear masks for the Flu: Actually multiple studies say masks are bad and hurt your immune system : It is just amazing how many pandemics we have had, an no one worry about masks
If you ever have surgery, get pain injections or anything, make sure your doctor doesn't wear his surgical being pointless and all.

Do you believe that protests are partly to blame for the spike?
Do I still wear an N95? Yeah so you Karen's wont accost me.... but my real 'mitigation effort' is to stay the f away from people.

You fools are putting a f'n t-shirt around your flapper and going on about your business like you're protecting yourself and others. I suspect during the covid19 post-mortem we'll learn the stupid mask bandaid spread covid19 wider due to the false sense of security it provided the lemmings.

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
You can't just look at the size of a virus. You have to look at mode of transportation, distance, force, everything. If you talk, small droplets of spit float out of your mouth for the world to enjoy. When you do that into a mask, it's greatly reduced. The droplets are blocked by the mask, even a worthless cotton one. Add a folded papertowel inside, works even better. Wear an ASTM surgical masks.....just about nothing will get through. Does air still travel around the outside of the mask? Sure. But those droplets will be caught inside the mask.

You can talk filters all you want - we aren't talking HVAC and only about moving air here and size of particulates.
247 headline reported "Canes cancel workouts due to OUTBREAK".

3 PLAYERS testing positive is an OUTBREAK? Did the players even know they had it? Of the 43 Clemson players that tested positive (that's an outbreak), only 4 had mild symptoms. The other 39 didn't even know, they popped positive on their weekly mandatory tests.
well maybe they took the test at one of those labs that are reporting 100% positive

Just published. Hospital setting - literally the highest risk place. Masks appear to work and there really isn't a good argument not to wear them. Educate yourself and stop spreading misinformation.

How many folks in the general public actually wear hospital grade surgical masks? Surely you are not suggesting that N95 masks are the same as wearing bandanas or cloth masks, or even those flimsy 3-ply made in Taiwan anti-dust masks they sell at Walgreens?
It's a sickening reality--we are living in a country that elected by almost a majority of votes a reality TV huckster whose claim to fame prior to becoming the leader of the free world was arguing with Rosie O'Donnell on twitter and bankrupting every business venture he touched. This the reality we live in, so it shouldn't be a surprise that those same braindead louts are now claiming that masks are a conspiracy to suffocate them and COVID is a hoax taken part in by multiple countries to bring down a guy who is going to pull a Walt Mondale on his own in a couple months.

It's so baffling to me. I want to shake people to death. And I'm not political, I don't care about politics, I don't care if you want to MAGA or defund everyone or cancel people or do whatever the fvck you want to do. Knock yourself out. Vote for whoever you want, they're both ******* nuclear disasters of candidates. But what's wrong with wearing a mask? How big of a ******* cranky **** do you have to be to make a big deal about a mask? I don't like to wear pants, but I don't think it'll be a good day for me if I walk into Publix without them. Why are Americans such know it all ****heads? Just wear a god**** mask. If it doesn't help ONE IOTA...then guess what? You didn't inconvenience yourself AT ALL. Not a smidge. Nothing. You don't have to do 50 pullups, then put the mask on. You don't have to go a round with Mike Tyson, and then put the mask on. Just put it over your smug ******* mouth breathing face. Maybe, just MAYBE, we can play football this fall if you just do something that takes half a ******* second.
How many folks in the general public actually wear hospital grade surgical masks? Surely you are not suggesting that N95 masks are the same as wearing bandanas or cloth masks, or even those flimsy 3-ply made in Taiwan anti-dust masks they sell at Walgreens?
Did I say that?
Evidence suggests in a high risk setting that masks work. What's the argument against widespread use? That it's uncomfortable for you? It's a virtually no risk intervention.

Just published. Hospital setting - literally the highest risk place. Masks work. Educate yourself and stop spreading misinformation.

There's an entire universe of knowledge - that hasn't been "published."

You might be familiar with a study - published! - that concluded that HCQ was a prophylactic and effective treatment for Corona viruses in an NIH study way back in I believe - 2005. Not familiar? Not a surprise.

I'd be willing to put some of what I say to the test -

One one table, we have two syringes that has a full dose of venom from one of the following - taken at random - a krait, black mamba, eastern diamondback, cobra, or fer-de-lance. No one knows WHICH venom is in both syringes.

On that table is also another two syringes - has a really full dose of venom - taken at random - from a brown recluse, black widow, scorpion, or any other toxic insect that can kill - even a potentially fatal dose of flying insect venom.

On that table are another two syringes - and in those two identical syringes - are big doses of Covid-19, MERS, SARS, West Nile, all mixed together - and to make it interesting - the polio virus. We know what's in these, and they too - are identical.

And on that table are two mushrooms in bowls of identical size - let's say - the Deathcap mushroom.

We eat the mushrooms, get our injections - and you can have all the doctors you wish to assist you. I only need an RN. Any RN.

I won't be affected. I won't lose any tissue. I won't be sick. All the toxins will be neutralized. All the viruses - nothing. They'll be destroyed.

I'll show you what modern medicine really knows.

This CV-19 is a candy-*** virus. Easily treated.

Except by our Medical Community of Experts.
right its contagious as **** but not that fatal. no one puts the death rate w/o a co morbidity. also, if you get a test, test positive, then take second test you count as two seperate cases. remember, government agencies and hospitals want money. i also know of two people who tested positive, took a second test, tested negative, and a two weeks later took anti-body test and it said they never had it. we have to be careful on reporting.
well in San Antonio their Health Department had to restate 3,500 cases positive cases because the folks were never tested but were given a positive reading : Lets see 3,484 @ 75 = 262 K in reimbursement sounds like fraud to me, and that is only one group, bet there are more, but trust the numbers.
I'm so sick of this Covid ****. People in South Florida don't give af and won't wear a mask and it's going to end up costing us our season
Ignorant idiots that want things open but won’t be a part of the solution to get things open. And yet they will find others or other things to blame when it all gets shut down again.