Canes test positive

Wearing a mask for a virus makes as much sense as putting chicken wire on your windows to keep the rain off your glass

It's simple physics! Viruses can blow right through the fiber separation of these "masks." I'm personally sick and tired of these folks who erroneously think masks actually WORK. They don't!

Lots of folks get in line to get tested - sign the book - the line is too slow, and they go home. Only to get a notification that they tested posiitive.

Not just one or two here and there - lots of positive test results - when they didn't even take the test!

Sounds like some of these tests are contaminated - BEFORE they're used.

Covid in various forms has been around for decades! So if you HAD been exposed previously - and got over it - you can test positive!

Viruses themselves may go through but for human transmission u need a carrier which is a respiratory droplet and masks block almost all of them when worn properly
Morality rate is a sideshow. Total deaths is the only number that matters. I don't care if they are young or old Americans, I don't want Americans to die.

The CDC always does some estimation of deaths, you can't take estimations on past diseases as gospel yet discredit everything related to covid.

I don't either and I don't discredit COVID, it's been awful. But it's as absolute as being born. Questioning things that don't make sense to you, as you just did about the CDC, should be done. As are making comparisons.
I just hope there's a gator forum out there with people arguing about stupider **** than the ones here.
Well we aren't playing right now so we can't argue about whether or not CMD should have been fired 25 years ago.
That is factually incorrect. This is the point:

Now, everyone with a sliver of a brain knew exactly what he said. So, because I don't have crayons, finger paint, water colors, nor all the bells and whistles you need to understand a very simple reality (a fact) I posted a video of the POTUS actually speaking these words directly:

"..and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning cause you see it gets in the lungs and is does a tremendous number on the lungs"

I gave you four sources saying the exact same thing, but this guy @classiccane12 seems to think the media--not the POTUS---is responsible for what comes out of the POTUS's mouth. And he didn't say ..and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning...." So if the media doesn't report this (like Trump supporting media) no one will misinterpret this, right? Is that why you all say he never said using disinfectant to cure COVID?

Now this guy @imyrhuckleberry wants to compare the amount of clarity needed from people who post on a football message board to the amount of clarity needed from the POTUS---to get 350 million people informed during a global pandemic that has killed 140,000 American citizens and has left tens of millions unemployed, to unify a country and get back to work.

Some of you need to do this planet a huge favor and sit out the next election.
You do know UV light is a disinfectant right? And irradiating blood with UV light is a thing right? The russians are developing UV light injection for covid19 - its real and valid research. If any morons took what he said as an invitation to drink bleach then why are we not congratulating Trump for strengthening the gene pool?
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He was speaking to the press. And, by extension, America.
It's hilarious because going by the guys own words after the fact when he caught heat for it, it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside."

His nuthuggers don't know which lane to pick on this one.
It's hilarious because going by the guys own words after the fact when he caught heat for it, it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside."

His nuthuggers don't know which lane to pick on this one.

Maybe it was sarcastic. Still doesnt change what he said, and he never advised people to inject disinfectant. Like he said it was a "question." Saying he directed people to inject disinfectant is a lie.

I hate we are even talking about this ridiculous story considering everything else worthy of discussion. But it does accomplish its purpose of deflecting from the real issues going on.
It's hilarious because going by the guys own words after the fact when he caught heat for it, it was "a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside."

His nuthuggers don't know which lane to pick on this one.
Maybe it was sarcastic. Still doesnt change what he said, and he never advised people to inject disinfectant. Like he said it was a "question." Saying he directed people to inject disinfectant is a lie.

I hate we are even talking about this ridiculous story considering everything else worthy of discussion. But it does accomplish its purpose of deflecting from the real issues going on.

I never said he advised people to inject disinfectant, and I could care less that the guy said some dumb sht. He says dumb sht all the time, but people trying to rationalize the dumb sht with some abstract interpretation of what he really meant, after the guy already walked back his comments, is BS.
I never said he advised people to inject disinfectant, and I could care less that the guy said some dumb sht. He says dumb sht all the time, but people trying to rationalize the dumb sht with some abstract interpretation of what he really meant, after the guy already walked back his comments, is BS.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I never said he advised people to inject disinfectant, and I could care less that the guy said some dumb sht. He says dumb sht all the time, but people trying to rationalize the dumb sht with some abstract interpretation of what he really meant, after the guy already walked back his comments, is BS.
Lol. You think Trump took a stab in the dark and made up 'dumb-****' (UV blood sterilization) and it just so happened to be a real thing? Are YOU that dumb?

Should Trump be riffing off the cuff about something he has zero breadth of knowledge about? **** no. Does Trump have multiple experts in his ear spinning ideas and possible treatments for covid19... well duh.
So according to the last tweet practice started again. Does that mean we start getting reports soon?
Lol. You think Trump took a stab in the dark and made up 'dumb-****' (UV blood sterilization) and it just so happened to be a real thing? Are YOU that dumb?

Should Trump be riffing off the cuff about something he has zero breadth of knowledge about? **** no. Does Trump have multiple experts in his ear spinning ideas and possible treatments for covid19... well duh.
Dog, you can watch the guy explain it on video. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to accept. Heres a transcript of him explaining that comment.

Reporter, April 24: Can you clarify your comments about injections of disinfectant?

Trump: No, I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you, just to see what would happen.

Now, disinfectant, or doing this, maybe on the hands, would work. And I was asking the question of the gentleman who was there yesterday — Bill — because when they say that something will last three or four hours or six hours, but if the sun is out or if they use disinfectant, it goes away in less than a minute. Did you hear about this yesterday? But I was asking a sarcastic — and a very sarcastic question — to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands and that would make things much better. That was done in the form of a sarcastic question to the reporters. Okay.
@UMFarArcher and @mirasuegui like to pretend things don't exist.

The point is that the president of the United States actually said out loud in front of millions of people: "...and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning cause you see it gets in the lungs and is does a tremendous number on the lungs"

Nobody on planet Earth would utter such stupidity in private let alone in public, so there is only one person these stupid mfkrs would get such a feeble-minded idea.

Here are two other sources reporting the exact same thing.

Two Georgia men hospitalized after ingesting household cleaners to prevent coronavirus

Kansas official says man drank cleaner after Trump floated dangerous disinfectant remedy

No, I don't pretend things don't exist.

It's just that there's a lot of folks with questionable intelligence. Once I pulled my lawn pump motor over, and shot a couple rounds of 9mm into the well - the hydroshock would clear a lot of stuff from the strainer - and it would flow great for another year.

Neighbor heard the shots and asked me what I was doing. "Shooting my well. Loosens lime, calcification, iron, and it flows like new."

He went home, got a gun, backed off and shot his pump motor. Ruined it. Had to replace it - and was mad at me.

I'd say you and some others are much like that man.

No one - and I mean no one with any damned sense would do things like that - without at least verifying they have the right stuff. And a statement made by Trump in sarcasm - touted as serious - well - I think they're retarded as well.
Dog, you can watch the guy explain it on video. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to accept. Heres a transcript of him explaining that comment.
Yes. He tripped over his d*ck. His explanation was even worse. He backtracked when he normally doubles down. The point i'm making is UV blood injection to treat pathogens is a real thing, leading edge it may be, but real none-the-less. He didnt make it up himself.
I will the day no one ever dies. Ever.

I'm not trying to be callous, every death sucks. But sorry, .00000857142 of the US population is virtually none.
Dude, ewe can't even count. 3201 is knot less than 3000. YOUR graph says 3201 deaths, knot 3000. Your figure four the current estimated US population is also wrong. Hope your knot an accountant!
Yes. He tripped over his d*ck. His explanation was even worse. He backtracked when he normally doubles down. The point i'm making is UV blood injection to treat pathogens is a real thing, leading edge it may be, but real none-the-less. He didnt make it up himself.
Ok great, I’m glad we made it this far and you haven’t proven to be completely unreasonable. But I’m still going to argue that you’re ascribing something to him that was never there. Is this UV treatment a real thing, yes. Is the president privy to information about leading edge medical treatments, of course. Did his comments reflect that? No.

When you go on about “heat” “sun” “humidity” and “disinfect” , not many people are going to think you’re talking about UV blood sterilization, especially when you claim you were just being sarcastic about it afterward.