Canes test positive

Yawn. You totally avoided the mask and test(s) comment and went on a rant about Dr. F.

The entire world was affected by this pandemic. Somehow Dr. F is to blame for America’s incompetent response. Not the guy who cleared out the Dept. that deals with pandemics.

But you guys keep believing your Bone Spurs King.

Uh - you must love those paint-by-numbers. Just follow the numbers as instructed, and no thinking required.

I hate to point out the obvious - but the guy who's not been right yet - is the same little dumbass pushing the masks.

And as far as the "Dept. that deals with pandemics" - you referring to the CDC? WHO? NIH? Those who have been wrong on everything so far?

They outta be hung!

Remember - no thinking - no fact checking - just do as they tell you - it's so much easier that way.
You're replying to a 3 year old who snuck into mommy's computer

You're the one that had every single item factually wrong.

You heard crap - you repeated the crap - and when I stated the correct facts of a real murder case - correcting you on the specific chemical - and then you made the same mistake and misidentified the chemical the THIRD time -

- I'm the three year old on mommy's computer?

If pointing out your statements were ini complete error and thus stupid - that logically suggested maybe you were stupid too - I'm sorry.

I thought you already knew.
Uh - you must love those paint-by-numbers. Just follow the numbers as instructed, and no thinking required.

I hate to point out the obvious - but the guy who's not been right yet - is the same little dumbass pushing the masks.

And as far as the "Dept. that deals with pandemics" - you referring to the CDC? WHO? NIH? Those who have been wrong on everything so far?

They outta be hung!

Remember - no thinking - no fact checking - just do as they tell you - it's so much easier that way.

He's talking about the department that Obama created within the National Security Council, that elevated the importance of pandemic response to a national security level issue. By virtue of open hostility (creating a working environment that led nearly everyone to resign) and negligence (failing to replace the people who left the department), the Trump Administration effectively dismantled this department.

Not the CDC or NIH. Not WHO, which is not even a US agency. The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, which was a department within the National Security Council.

That's what he's referencing.
It's a moot point. As a nurse I can assure you that masks are minimally effective at best. Cloth masks- stop virtually nothing. Surgical masks- work solely within a sterile environment. N95 masks- stop the highest concentration of microbes yet are still quite subpar, this is way even in hospitals where PPE is extensive doctors and nurses can still be infected and commonly do. Proper hand washing/hygiene, effective distancing are more effective than masks will ever be, the mask simply allows people's minds to be pacified and lulled into a false sense of security.

I would hope that a medical professional like you would know that a mask is better than nothing at all. No one is saying that you shouldn't be doing the other things suggested by the CDC, merely because you are wearing a mask. I would also assume that you understand that masks aren't about protecting the user, it's about protecting OTHERS. This is the part that most people are too dense to understand. If everyone wears a mask, we cut down on what we spew out in the air, which means the odds of someone catching this thing drops. Will there be positives? Yes, because we have idiots doing stupid crap like going to political rallies, holding COVID parties and going out to bars.

It's not an accident that countries that have normalized wearing a mask when ill, or in cases of outbreaks(IE South Korea) have been able to effectively manage this pandemic.

Actually masks do work. Just the right kinds of masks. Which virtually nobody in the public wears.

As far as what people are wearing out and about, the jury is out whether there is in fact, a big effect, a moderate effect, or a negligible effect.

So if we’re not sure, it makes sense to wear it. Even if we are only preventing 5 or 10% transmission.

It would be great if people wore the **** masks CORRECTLY. It's tough to figure out their effectiveness when the typical American wears them like they are a **** chinstrap. People leave their noses uncovered, people are wearing N95s, but with facial hair that limits the seal effect. It's a joke. People aren't changing masks regularly, wearing the same dirty mask day after day, instead of switching them out or washing them.
Not dense. I just know chloroquine phosphate treats parasites such as freshwater ich. It's not 'fish tank cleaner' lol.

Fish tank cleaner, fish tank solvent. It kills parasites in aquariums. In common parlance, that product is considered a fish tank(also known as a aquarium) cleaner, although it's merely killing parasites. It's semantics, but when you don't have anything to stand on, these are the things you rely on. It's lazier than the usual "Whataboutism" garbage people like you usually spew.
Fish tank cleaner, fish tank solvent. It kills parasites in aquariums. In common parlance, that product is considered a fish tank(also known as a aquarium) cleaner, although it's merely killing parasites. It's semantics, but when you don't have anything to stand on, these are the things you rely on. It's lazier than the usual "Whataboutism" garbage people like you usually spew.
Words have meanings. We don't semantically call chemotherapy a cancer 'cleaner'... It was a deliberate choice of word by the tabloid to get an emotional response out of low-brow readers like yourself. I've had many aquariums over the years and never once heard another hobbyist, company or professional call medication a 'fish tank cleaner'. No, it's not 'common parlance'.
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Words have meanings. We don't semantically call chemotherapy a cancer 'cleaner'... It was a deliberate choice of word by the tabloid to get an emotional response out of low-brow readers like yourself. I've had many aquariums over the years and never once heard another hobbyist, company or professional call medication a 'fish tank cleaner'. No, it's not 'common parlance'.
What are parties with aquariums hobbyists like?
The term "facts" is used too often and loosely.....mainly just data from a specific test, study or experience. One fact is - i will die one day. Data shows i have a higher probability of certain causes with my family history and current medical status, but that's the extent of it.

A mask during a pandemic is no different than a seatbelt law. There's enough data to show legislators requiring something that seems fundamentally simple and easy can reduce death, but lack faith that enough will comply, so they make it a requirement. I'm all about personal freedoms....but i'm also about basic structure and principle......people being morally good and doing the right thing. Every freedom comes with an expectation of human decency.

The reason i don't support the full on herd immunity thing is hospital space. In theory that idea may seem ok, but if the spread isn't contained, local hospitals can be those high risk patients for all things, not just covid, do not get the true focus/treatment they require. If you contain it enough to allow the herd immunity to happen naturally in smaller pockets and at a slower rate, while trying to develop treatments or vaccines in the process, it should be easier to manage. Is the mask the best way to slow it? No. Isolation is. But since that can only last so long, a mask is one of many variables than can keeping a distance, washing hands, not touching your face, staying home when you are sick, and just being careful around others.

Glad to hear the wife is keeping you safe. Take care.
I agree about the fact thing. The problem is some many talking heads use the word to apply to what data they like so it has to be attacked at every instance. I get the hospital space. That was the original excuse or reason for the initial lock down. But as a recall Dr Fauci said it was to insure that the space would be available for flu season and not used up by China virus patients. It has morphed into the "cure for the virus". Unfortunately, as we see, he ***** is just waiting for us out there. The real question is at what point do we face the questions of how many lives must be loss to insure the survival of our nation and society. The problem is that so many do not want to preserve either so that cannot be address. Stay safe.
Wait you mean like the President suggested disinfectants and his followers did and died? But they owned the libs
You'll believe anything.

No, that would be you.

(See :27-:39) "..and then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we could do something like that, injection inside or almost a cleaning cause you see it gets in the lungs and is does a tremendous number on the lungs"

Two men in Georgia and one man in Kansas drank liquid cleaning products 'to ward off COVID-19' after Trump suggested injecting disinfectant into the lungs to combat the virus
Everyone, everywhere is ignoring the data. There is very little protection from surgical masks (let alone the panty-hose everyone is wearing), and there is zero evidence that masks reduce the transmission of covid19. Not one, single study shows reduced transmission.
I personally have no issue even wearing masks, but the general public trusting it blindly as a foolproof effective means to stop transmission is foolish. We as a society are going to have to simply adjust to this virus until we have a massive treatment breakthrough or a highly effective vaccine, lord knows how long that will take.
Comparing COVID-19 to the common flu is idiotic at this point.
You dropped the context and totally missed the point. The point is not that Covid and the flu are comparable in severity. The point is that with every thing we do, whether it's driving, flying, scuba diving, being in crowds during flu season . . . there is a risk of death. We do a cost-benefit analysis on everything we do. Sometime, you have to resume living your life. The rest of the world is moving on. You should really take a look at who it is that wants you to stay down there in mommie's basement listening to CNN in the dark.
I remember when a business didn’t have the right to refuse to bake a cake, though.
That was a civil rights issue. This is a private property issue. The business could have required the couple to wear a mask in the store while they made their order.