Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

Romero is using all fields instead of trying to pull everything. That was a really nice double to left CF.

Should pay dividends this weekend.
Call me a mope, bad fan.. whatever you want to call me. I’ve seen this movie before in coral gables and in years past it’s not a good ending. Really hope this team continues to prove me wrong but I’m concerned as **** at this point with the toughest part of our schedule on the way
No way I’ll call you that, because I will admit being the same way.

With this manager, they are going to have to show me. Two ordinarily tough road tests for us to close this thing out with GT and FSU. I was worried we might have seen our best baseball out there instead of when we need our best at the end of the year. Hope I’m dead wrong.

at last! stetson playing like stetson (instead of Miami playing like stetson)... hope its not too late
And now the wheel spins to Dubberly. Is Gino holding starter auditions or telling us Rosario is still starting?
I was thinking the same about Rosario when he went to Torres after Gallo. I’m afraid we see Rosario on Sunday
There seriously needs to be a time limit on these things. ACC, I’m begging you.
I don’t understand what’s taking so long. Most MIFers don’t even close their glove on dp turns. What are they looking at?
Another single, 11-4.

This reminds me of the Harvard game, they just can’t do anything wrong at the plate and are piling up hits.
That’s a fireable offense. You take 3 minutes to make the wrong call, on that play? Doesn’t get anymore embarrassing than that.
we look so bad and have looked this bad since Sunday. I’ll see you guys on Friday. Need to get our **** together against the jackets
We’re badly in need of long start from Palm Friday to settle everything down
Palm going 6+ in a winning effort sure would be nice. Our guys might still be hungover from Saturday night's party. From the feel good night of the year on Saturday to the lowest moment of the year a couple days later. Only in America.