Can someone explain to me the guard tapping the center??

Many teams do it. Its to counter crowd noise. Most teams dont do it on every play. UM it the only team Ive seen that does it anywhere near as often. I think coley likes it because the bulk of his offense is shotgun, so he does it on every shotgun play.

Its not that its bad, its that our rookie OC wasnt able to see what everyone else in college football was able to see and mix up the cadence in some way so as to not allow every team an equal start to our O line. Here's hoping he'll be smarter next season.
I'm with those that say it's not unusual. With that said, I'll tell you what does concern me if true. A guy on Shadow's board about 2 or 3 months back said that one thing that concerned him was that we don't self scout. If that is true (and quite frankly it looks like it may be), that's extremely concerning.
It's the same as the QB putting his foot down to signal the snap to the center.
The difference is that the center can look forward at the defense and not have to look back at the QB.
This is nothing new and a stupid issue. Many teams do this. The tap isnt an instant cue that were going to snap. There is timing to that tap. If you watched the snaps, you would see that there were times when UL guessed right, other times they clearly didnt, and many other times when it was just a normal snap. What UL DID do, was the clearly scouted our formations and tendencies very well, and exploited them, and that's on Coley and Kehoe. Our Pass Pro packages were terrible and confused.
Thank you for the last few sane posts in this thread that actually explained what was going on and not just repeating the bull**** dumbass ESPN announcers were saying. Seriously, they pointed out this being an issue, on the play where the guy who ended up getting the sack, got a terrible jump off the snap.