Camron Davis Commits to Miami

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Again, no response on actual facts presented. Just more proof Harriet's here as a troll to start shīt.

The employment of the black coaches on staff stays in question and under constant scrutiny on here that it's laughable. "They better land this, they better close that...or else" "wow, he is finally earning his pay check this and that"

John77, U are such an apologist and master deflector. Repost more than one thread dedicated to criticism of Jon Richt? And on the other thread your response was also intellectually dishonest because Shannon was getting habitually trounced by Cane blogs way before he ever took any of those jobs. Remember he was jobless while he fought UM in court for his money.

Franchise, still waiting for a call from the administration of CIS for a job interview eventhough you've posted 10,000 times more than the administrators combined. U average roughly 20 posts a U have absolutely no life outside of this blog, numbers don't lie. U are so bigoted that U can't even bring yourself to believe that a black man could be this passionate, articulate, and motivated to continuously point out good ole boy behavior when it surfaces. In your mind, only a white guy could come up with the reactions I express. This cognitive dissonance says a lot about your psyche.

You're always asking posters to make wagers, so here's mine. I dare and challenge U to post a pic of yourself holding a sign next to U with the current date lol! I bet you'd never do it. I believe U are wheelchair bound living in your aunts basement possibly posting thru one of those vocal tubes. This may explain all of your displaced aggression, constant **** envy, hatred for women, and insatiable appetite for posting.

My bad on the down vote.
The meeting has been cancelled FakeCanes3x, U once again have been left out of the in crowd and PM exchange

Now run along Piggy, just like every blog/tribe you've tried to fit in with, U don't belong, totally swaggerless.
This is painful. Tubman has lost her mind. It's an interweb message board for Pete's sake(see what I did there?)! Go take some Xanax and nod off for a bit.

Go Canes!
I clicked on this thinking there was some actual discussion still going on about Cam and boy was I wrong lol What the **** has this thread turned into?
U never hear criticism for Hartley, Richt Jr, Searels, Diaz, Banda, just Dugans, Brown, Rumph, and even Cooney already lol! Shannon, Swasey, Paul Williams all still get threads as well lol! Very sad, the conflict of interest and cognitive dissonance must be immense.

HarrietTubofshyt is gonna change the world one message board at a time. Congratulations on your important activism, whitey.

I love your style, brother. You must have a large crank, because you have a serious set of BALLS! And THAT is what I RESPECT in one of my brothers!! Much respect, Franchise!

Your username is ghey, the girl in your avatar is ugly, your post about franchise is ghey, the quote you have at the bottom about bs runs a marathon is whack.

Sorry buddy if your wife is a FAT *****, NO TEETH, couch hugging, sloppy *** ice cream eating, collecting social security at 22..,.. and probably your sister LOL.... but I'll tell you this.....I won't need to stretch you out with my Platinum hands...... MY WIFE WILL DO IT FOR ME!
I clicked on this thinking there was some actual discussion still going on about Cam and boy was I wrong lol What the **** has this thread turned into?


WTF is going on here? I was looking to see if any new news on Cam Davis? maybe i took a wrong turn? Anyone know?
Harriet, as usual, has completely derailed a thread about a commitment story.

She literally aims to ruin this site if she's allowed.

If the mods don't see that's her goal and agenda here, that's on them.
I guarantee The Franchise is some fat boy piece of slop **** or very close to it.
Samson, salty much? U just described what your boss just did. Take yall L, and keep it moving to another thread lap dog.
Punk coward calling 911 and can't even get there attention. U can't make this stuff up FakeCane3x and wannabe OriginalFranchise.

U don't exist bruh! What don't U understand about that?
Are things slow in your terrorist cell up in Cleveland that you have to come on here and derail threads?
Mods, let these boys get that work. Yall know they deserve it and are blog bullies. It's only right that they get punched back. All my posts are reactionary and that's documented fact. U heal a problem at its cause, not its symptoms.
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