Cam Ward to Portal

his dad giving rashada's dad vibes

hope he doesn't steer his kid into losing a bag
I actually don’t get Rashada dad vibes at all. Ward actually has something legit to offer and I see a parental unit, although inexperienced, trying to help his son make the best decision for his future while maximizing his NIL. The Rashada’s were just pigs. And pigs get slaughtered.

I don't pretend I have any clue or inside information. I'm referring to the post made on Tuesday night that the canes have their quarterback. It is now almost saturday night and we still don't have a quarterback.
they went 13-0. I know you guys want to hate to hate but if we were 13-0, wed be screaming elite. they had an elite season at 13-0. fun fact, UF never went undefeated in their entire history. not a lot of teams go unbeaten. FSU did. im not gonna hate on what they did this past year bc they set out a goal to go unbeaten and they did that.
I'm not sure if that kind of fishing is what he was referring to. Maybe I'm wrong bc I do enjoy wetting a hook.
You know what they say, there's now wrong path, just a right path to a different destination. Either type of fishing says a lot about a man
I talk to a couple folks very connected at FSU and they’ve been saying DJ for awhile now. They also thought the price was too steep on Ward. Even they thought Miami , maybe OSU.
After seeing his dad’s latest cavalier comments of taking his time to at least Xmas, oh and still considering 4-5 other programs they haven’t even visited or the NFL, I move on. This is disrespectful to those who’ve rolled out the red carpet for them and obviously offered more money the family has ever dreamt of. Red flag for his dad to take it all for granted.
If the options are really Ward and Howard, and they are truly 1 and 1 (as I think DMoney said the staff thought of them) and one of them is willing to commit and end it, what is the hold up? Do they really prefer Ward? Are both guys taking their time?
If the options are really Ward and Howard, and they are truly 1 and 1 (as I think DMoney said the staff thought of them) and one of them is willing to commit and end it, what is the hold up? Do they really prefer Ward? Are both guys taking their time?
My guess is we read the room wrong. Probably thought we had one (or both) locked in but classic “recruiting is fluid” scenario.

We probably still feel really good about our chances in getting one of Ward or Howard but it’s not a sure thing yet.
Big deal. My BIL is a PhD and a dean at a power 5 university and that ****** doesn't have a **** bit of common sense.
Typical of those associated with almost any level of education and especially public higher-ed institutions. Most are a liberal ponzi scheme.

I’m talking a business man helping his son with numbers and a business decision. He’s not an illiterate cuck like Harlen Rashada