Cam Ward to Portal

Mario and staff shot their shot. Which one is the question now.

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C. ✅

Patience everyone. Mario and Zo have different faults, but the combo of Mario, Zo and bags to close this is enough to trust. All bring a skill set to closing this. Hopefully haha.
I mean, there's only so many explanations here:

1) Trying to make the Ward announcement more impactful
2) They know they're going with Howard
3) Our insiders, that seem VERY confident, are all wrong and no decision has been made

It's either 1 or 2. If Ward really is quoted as saying he's going to take "weeks" that would be a weird thing to say as a smokescreen. Could just say I haven't made a decision. My guess is it's Howard. And Ward going to FSU is a business decision to drive value for him. Can't leave Miami and not be the one who was picked.

If we are told to read between the lines, all the lines are about Ward and now reports he is taking his visit to FSU. So I guess the one that is not really being talked about since his visit is Howard.

We took it as a foregone conclusion it was Ward but none of our "insiders" really specified who it was. Just confidence that a QB was secured.

My guess it would be Howard.
Nah, man, if you go back to the posts AT THE TIME, you'll see a lot of people giving Beta Blake props for getting the job done. Don't get me wrong, Richt got a ton of credit for his $$$ contribution, and helping to kickstart the process, but a lot of people complimented Blake.

Same as when Julio Frenk got complimented for "saving the COVID season" and "firing Blake/Manny", even though he was terrible at figuring out that Blake was terrible in the first place.
Fair enough. I have no interest in searching it. Beta Blake sucked and Richt made it happen. All I need to remember lol
we're entering the dennis smith bat signal timeframe, we'll know within next 20 mins if there's any smoke tonight

if not I'm sure everyone will be thrilled and super calm waiting into tomorrow