Quite frankly, I am sick and ******* tired of ******* Cane fans telling us "how close it was" and acting like they are some sort of Zapruder film analysts.
Here's the reality. They weren't there.
Here's some more reality, I was in the 4th row and that play happened right in front of me. If that had been a "helmet-to-helmet" contact play, you would have heard a thundercrack. And that just didn't happen. More importantly, the refs on the field, the refs who were even closer than I was, the refs who should have been MOST offended by the loud crack of a helmet to helmet hit...did not throw a flag.
Nope, what happened with the refs and the ACC replay officials is what happened with every butthurt Cal fan and Miami HATER, they saw the sound-free video replay that got paused at the point of impact, and they determined something happened that NEITHER the THREE refs within 15 yards of the hit called (which, you know, seems to NOT be too much distance when refs are calling Hail Mary touchdowns or pass interference against Miami).
So, sure, the ACC booth wants to take another look. And when looking at the play from angles that do not obscure and/or exaggerate the preconceived notions of Miami HATERS, it was determined to NOT be targeting, but was instead a shoulder-to-shoulder primary contact hit. Which is legal and legit, even if it caused the QB to fake an injury for one play.
But what are we gonna do? Apologize? But I guess we have to put up with all the "I keep it real by sympathizing with our opponents" crew trying to tell us how "close" it was and how we should feel lucky and whatnot.
Again, it's sad that this has to be said for the third week in a row. IF THE ACC REFS WOULD ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE 60 MINUTES OF TAUNTING THAT OUR OPPONENTS ARE DOING, maybe the players wouldn't seem so out-of-control by the end of the game. Maybe our players wouldn't have to fight back against cheap shots or call the penalties that the refs don't see (like when Cam had to point out to the refs that Cal had too many men on the field).
And if the ACC refs were getting the calls right ALL GAME LONG, then we wouldn't have to focus on them missing a call late in the game.
The refs are not trying to help out Miami. Not when they call 80 yards of penalties against us in the 4th quarter, and then DON'T call a targeting penalty. Very few Miami HATERS (including some fake Miami "fans" who actually hate our team) will admit that you don't throw 80 yards worth of penalties, only to not call ONE. Or that you can't insist on ONE penalty being called while ignoring a more serious and obvious penaty IN THE SAME CAMERA SHOT.
I'm tired of it. It's awful when Miami HATERS spin false stories against us, but it's even worse when our own "fans" start taking the side of our HATERS.