
Kept joking around saying that bengals line is gonna get him killed. And low and behold it did. They need to draft Sewell first round and then draft another linemen in the second
On NFL Redzone they showed a replay...it was one of those things where you can't look away...and you could literally see what I would assume to be the head of the fibula detach from the joint and pop out. Really gross, and it made me suspect it was more severe than "just an ACL." I haven't been able to find that particular replay anywhere, and then I question why it is exactly that I'm looking for it anyway LOL.

Hope he is able to come back without missing a beat. If Mackenzie Milton is able to get back on the field I imagine Burrow will be able to do the same.
What kind?
Would buy career ending if his knee got covid but looks like a 10-12 month injury for the average athlete sorry OP
The NFL can try it's hardest to protect QBs & offensive players, but what can it do about a poorly run organization like the Bengals, who openly flaunt their incompetence by maintaining one of the lowest payrolls in professional sports?

Does any of this sound familiar??
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as someone who had 6 surgeries on my knees not to mention finally getting them both replaced I sympathize with anyone that has a knee injury but with the advancements they've made nowadays it would almost need to be hanging from an artery not to be able to be fixed and fixed solidly...now like you said it's will be a mental thing after it is healed..
Recovery is the worst.
Bunch of drama queens ITT. Carson Palmer had a worse injury in a January playoff game and played a full season starting 8 months later. Brady had the same injury and returned the next season. AD had the same injury and recovered in 6 months for a 2097 yard MVP season. Wes Welker had a similar recovery.

Even if his swelling is worse and delays surgery Burrow will be fine for 2021 and should be 100% by 2022.
I'm not sure how the NFL could have "protected" Burrow from that, short of finally just going to flag football and being done with it. It was another scenario with the bodies of large men rolling around, with Burrow's leg planted in the turf at the wrong angle and time. This kind of thing happens all the time....some people on Twitter who are outraged about this should maybe watch a little football sometime.
Eventually, the rules will eventually change in college and pro football to protect the QB.

Sorry Bruh, but there's no penalty against bad pass protection. If that's the type of protection that He's been playing behind all season, then it was just a matter of time.
Joe Theismann says hold my beer.....

Completely different injury though.

When your bone snaps and breaks through the skin, aka compound fracture, that’s a whole different animal. Can be life threatening.

Theismann’s injury was as horrific as it looked. He snapped both his tibia and his fibula. One or both bones protruding through the skin.
Completely different injury though.

When your bone snaps and breaks through the skin, aka compound fracture, that’s a whole different animal. Can be life threatening.

Theismann’s injury was as horrific as it looked. He snapped both his tibia and his fibula. One or both bones protruding through the skin.
And Alex Smith was on deaths door a time or 2. Burrows injury, although serious, is not life threatening as a bone break that protrudes through the skin.
Teddy should reach out to him. That’s a long road to recovery and every set back feels like it’s the end of your career. It’s just brutal on your mental.
I'd guess he won't play next year, will be ok in 18 months, and will have lots of knee problems after he retires.
I'd guess he won't play next year, will be ok in 18 months, and will have lots of knee problems after he retires.

your guess is wrong. Maybe he misses a couple of games like Wentz did but even that's a stretch cause Burrow's a couple weeks ahead of schedule vs Wentz when he was injured.
Eventually, the rules will eventually change in college and pro football to protect the QB.
The only additional thing they could do at this point is to put them in red no-contact jerseys.

They're unbelievably protected. You're basically not allowed to touch the QB anymore.