Bump this next week, NSD, Spring, Summer and fall

I going to hold out hope. But I’m just letting you know who the schools that send him the most stuff. And I don’t recall see anything from um. **** ever Arkansas sends a few letters here and there
This ain’t the Office or Dunder Midflin. Paper ain’t in no more. If it was he’d of ov’d to Arkansas. DMs and in persons are what separates schools. #watchthevisits
I don’t look to start problems with my cane fam but bruh what are you talking bout. When kids get offers, the offers are still a piece of paper not just the little school logo that appears on 24/7 saying hey this person has a offer from “such and such”
I don’t look to start problems with my cane fam but bruh what are you talking bout. When kids get offers, the offers are still a piece of paper not just the little school logo that appears on 24/7 saying hey this person has a offer from “such and such”
Not fighting either, but im saying is kids care less about what you send them and more about instant communication.