Bryan McClendon comin'...aaaannnd he's gone

We all know how this works, at least as the past 20 years have indicated.

Mario got ***** slapped on these two coaching losses, no way around it. BMac man, you brought someone over from Oregon, gave him a

Anyways, I hope you guys are prepared for when Bill O'Brien ends up in the NFL, Bama then turns to Brady, and then there's the whole "we had Brady man, Bama snatched him last second man, who wouldn't want to go coach for that school now" blah blah blah.

I'm sure Mario has planned two months for this, the announcement he wanted to make...Losing more coaches than he has hired in that timeframe LOL, can't even close on a Group of Five DC right now.

You get Joe Brady, I won't be mad at all. You don't, and you end up with some tier C level coach after losing your best recruiters on offense and defense...strike 1.
I trust Dee, always have.

People lie or only tell partial truths when it comes to business or protecting their image. There was a lot of smoke here, so you either take what’s being said at face value and look through the smoke. Nobody is ever 100% in these situations.
That’s cool except cribby told you he interviewed. Jay confirmed it. Both said he’s gone if he’s offered.
Can't argue with neither, both can be true.

Also what can be true is how B-Mac did us dirty, too.

All can be true. Can't have one without the other.
Fact. Times have changed. There was a time when a coach wouldn’t want such a move on his resume. That ain’t now.
Have no idea why people even question these guys anymore. Guys like cribby and jay have been right FAR MORE OFTEN than they were wrong. That says a lot given how much of a **** show this program has been and from a optics standpoint still appears to be as of February 2022. If Mario is successful we will forget about this quickly. If he fails we will all point to this as the major red flags that it appears to be. Coaching is a seriously dirty business
The issue is we lost our only two legitimate recruiters on staff outside of Mario. There’s only so much Mario can carry
For now. Gotta wait to see how it ends, not saying it’s not a loss or recognizing that both are elite in that regard.
For now. Gotta wait to see how it ends, not saying it’s not a loss or recognizing that both are elite in that regard.
Sorry we have smith who is a good recruiter so we still have him. So two recruiters including Mario.
That’s cool except cribby told you he interviewed. Jay confirmed it. Both said he’s gone if he’s offered.
Oh I’m not discounting them at all. Both have proven their info legit time after time. In this case and their input, I believed he did interview.
The two best teams in CFB just took your two best staff recruiters. No coincidence. No way to spin it. Mario and Miami have to now realize the reality of the game and counter punch. Go overpay. Miami’s margin for error is smaller and the climb is larger.
This. **** is a multi billion dollar business. Play the game. Play it HARD….or don’t play it at all…