Bryan McClendon comin'...aaaannnd he's gone

Dude, I appreciate your optimism, but I stopped believing weeks ago that Mario was playing chess while everyone else was playing checkers. There is no elaborate plan; we’re simply getting punched in the dyck right now. All we can do is hope he stops the bleeding soon.
I think Mario had a very clear and structured plan. I just don’t think it’s been going according to that plan.

I’m guessing he’s holding himself to very high standards and is getting a dose of reality of the hardships Miami coaches have had to deal with. This is Mario’s first real test (filling out his staff so he can compete with the big boys) and midterm report would be a C at best.

Gotta have faith that the finish will yield better results. He’s proven he can hire competently so no need to hit the panic button until after the staff is finalized. But I’m definitely feeling like he’s going to have a hard time living up to the hype.

Don't disagree.

Steam is starting to leak out of this engine running down the tracks.
It’s the perception of the whole thing. Two months ago money wasn’t an issue. Biggest budget in the ACC. Now here we are three days before NSD with four coaches. He has to nail these hires. If he does no one will give a sh*t that T-Rob and BMac left.
That’s fine. You don’t have to like him
Aye, I'm a Mario slurp, check my history.

But fook this ****, I'm not happy with this or what he's doing right now. Real is real and perception is reality and this ******* **** don't look good.

Like I said, the nîgga better have a Royal Flush up his sleeve.