Brieon Fuller sticking with commitment from last night

Awesome. Looks as solid as can be. Glad we wont have to worry about this commitment for the next 20 or so months.

As an African-American I can tell you that many black mothers have a problem with determining if their kid is good or bad and if in fact he's the bad element not the environment. And then excepting that is not the environment they just have a rotten apple. If you have a good kid then The environment doesn't matter. The kid will succeed in any environment
Sad really. Hope the young man and his Mom and family can receive the right council and see that the current coaches at Miami do have Brieon's best interest at heart and will probably be the best option for him. Not having a father, a real father at home, to steady the ship and provide guidence is so very difficult in today's society. Praying for the young man whatever he does.
I think he will stick. It's obvious to me he wanted to do it and there are people telling him to wait. I will go with what the kid wants more than what others are telling him to do. Great pick up.

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After further review.... the family is moving to Georgia this Summer. Atlanta to be more specific. So Mom doesn't want to be traveling back and forth to see her Son play. The way the young man was anxious to please his Mom, and there's nothing wrong with that, I have a hard time seeing him in orange n green.
"When a kid commits that's when the real recruiting begins" CMR. When kids go to college and play football high school crowds good and bad usually go away even if you are in the same city. Your teammates become your crowd with you head coach as the watchdog. Miami has had a compelling argument for maintaining a wholesome environment on the team since the Randy Shannon days. I'll put our record in terms of severe discipline occurrences against any team in the country and especially against the instate teams and SEC teams. Richt is the best communicator of this argumentwe have ever had at Miami. My only concern is the Keef, Mathew Thomas, Collins issue where in my opinion the kids went away precisely to get away from their parents.
This kid should just decommit, take his visits and decide next February. I don't know anything about his talent or where he is on our board but clearly he needs more time to think about things and make the right decision whatever that might be.
I see DJ Ivey in the vid locking down.... He has been in many vids looking good...
Ah, south Florida. The only place on Earth where parents want their kids to get way the **** away from them.

Hope he ends up here.

His mom is moving to Georgia.

But yeah, I'm sure if you grew up in the projects in Dade, your folks might think its a good idea to get the **** away from here too. **** my folks got me out of dodge in the 11th grade to North Carolina, then to FAMU before coming back for law school at the U. Law school never happens if I never leave the hood in HS, **** college would have never happened.

Don't be so quick to judge what you don't know, and if you know, then you'd understand.
As an African-American I can tell you that many black mothers have a problem with determining if their kid is good or bad and if in fact he's the bad element not the environment. And then excepting that is not the environment they just have a rotten apple. If you have a good kid then The environment doesn't matter. The kid will succeed in any environment

A kid may be the cause of the trouble, but he wasn't born kid is. Parenting is the #1 factor here, with environment #2 . You're right that some kids will overcome a bad environment/parents, but the one's who don't aren't inherently bad.

Mothers (and fathers), white, and green...should look right in the fcking mirror if they want to know why their kid is acting bad. Sure he's hanging out with a bad crowd, but that's because you didn't give him what he needed (emotionally) growing up.
As an African-American I can tell you that many black mothers have a problem with determining if their kid is good or bad and if in fact he's the bad element not the environment. And then excepting that is not the environment they just have a rotten apple. If you have a good kid then The environment doesn't matter. The kid will succeed in any environment

Actually, that's every mother no matter the color.
Alex Collins famously wanted to get the **** away from his mother.
Alex Collins famously wanted to get the **** away from his mother.

I swear that ******* kid was coming. I was convinced at the Duke game. What a massive fail for everyone who played a role in that recruiting process.