Brian Hightower Announcement

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If Hightower announces tonight for us, how many more WRs will Richt take in this class?

Pope is basically locked in. Wiggins and Hightower.
Leaving a spot or 2 open for Xavier Williams, Thompson, or something.
You can tell there are a lot of white people on this board by the amount of people who list Em. I'm not saying he was good, but come on.

Has nothing to do with his color, he crushed the game with a unique style for all races. His sales numbers support this and there is also a reason that no one has successfully been able to diss him, he annihilated them all.

Sales numbers? Lmao. Who do you think bought his records? Who did he annihilate?

His sale numbers are so high because he rapped about things that the majority of people can relate to (aka white people).
So you could say its because he's white. But he also brought all those people and made them fans of hip hop.

And he destroyed the careers of Ja Rule and and Benzino. Murder Inc was pretty major at the time, and Benzino had The Source which was the Hip Hop bible. Plus he just has a history of destroying people as features.

Wow. We all know who destroyed murder inc.
Sales numbers? Lmao. Who do you think bought his records? Who did he annihilate?

Off the top of my head....ICP, the whole Murda Inc crew, Benzino, his mom... Lol

Let me rephrase my question. Who did he murder that is worth a ****?

Better question. Who has stepped to him......

No reason to. Em be having beefs with Britney spears and lady gaga.

They're definetely scared. Dude murdered his baby momma in front of his daughter on the mic. You don't **** with that kind of crazy lol.
This board is a PTSD reliever . At sit around and laugh all **** day even if I'm the target . I can't help but laugh our fan base is savages . Most of us have been banned from other boards . Name a board mods get flat out destroyed if they fck up

I know. I love this shîthole!
I feel bad for new people , Pete needs to add a Warning prior to making an account

Whoa... Like a cigarette smoking can be hazardous to your health type of warning...but for CIS/posting???

Yes , if your a pssy CIS isn't responsible for your counseling $

Lol. I get all kinds of psychological help...but not because of this place. CIS is my outlet. Probably the same for others who without it might do some destructive things out there.
Geez, this is like that scene in Goodfellas were Pesci and Liota are arguing in the car and the restaurant they just torched is going up in flames.

Welcome to the []_[] Brian Hightower!!!!!!!!
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He had just reaffirmed that he wasn't going to be announcing until late summer too.
So this is kinda crazy that he did this. To me that means someone else was trying to get in the class and the staff let him know that his spot wont be guaranteed much longer.....or he just couldn't hold it in anymore, which is probably just as likely.

either way this is a major commit. Now all we need to get is that DT from IMG and I'm happy as ****.
God**** we are destroying the recruiting game and these kids realize they need to lock in their spots.
You can tell there are a lot of white people on this board by the amount of people who list Em. I'm not saying he was good, but come on.

I know several white people. The color of ones skin has little or nothing to do with their taste in music. There are a lot of factors that play a real role in this. Skin isn't high on the list imho. You might want to spend less time being a racist. Go Canes :)

I like Em. But if you think his skin tone has nothing to do with his album sales, then i would say you're naive.
I didn't say sales. Ty you're a racist and it is not a valid argument. It's pathetic and I'm done with this. I'm excited about my Miami Hurricanes. It's going to be a great night.

You're probably one of those people who don't see color
You're probably one of those people why see nothing but color
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