
Anyone that thinks Brew is a great recruiter is naïve ...The bottom line is our teams of the 80s 90s and early 2000's scared the living **** out of the NCAA, they will never allow us to drop bags w/o punishment for a very simple reason, were not a cash cow program...teams like Bama, FSU, LSU and Auburn are !!!!

BTW I'm sick and tired of you guys blaming the coaches everytime a kid doesn't commit here or flips, especially late in a process. What else do you want our coaches to do they spend time, they recruit just as hard as anyone in the country!!! They went to McFarland's house three times in one week with multiple coaches each time, no other big programs are doing that, yet a day before his commitment he told us he's not coming, for no good reason I might add. So what should our coaches do at that point? put a gun to the kids head and make him pack his bags ?!?!?
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We just sit back & keep letting FSU get elite hauls while we pray to God 3 star Brian Edwards comes here. Bags or continued medocrity. Simple as that.

Once again, I agree bags work.

But we're not going to deploy them. So what's the point in discussing it?

All you need is one rich person to do it privately. Not really far feteched. If I was a millionaire & lived in South Florida i'd do it.