Bowl games need to offer NIL money

Actually, the ratings for the bowls so far have been pretty good.
Small sample size but doing better than some NBA nights.

As first noted by Sports Illustrated, random college football bowl games — called the Jimmy Kimmel LA Bowl and the Cricket Celebration Bowl — drew better television ratings last week than 10 NBA games. So more Americans are watching Oregon State than the Los Angeles Lakers — and by a considerable amount.

The Jimmy Kimmel LA Bowl, a real event, drew 2.9 million viewers on Saturday, December 18. Meanwhile, the Cricket — say in a proper tone — Celebration Bowl averaged 3.2 million.

From December 16 to December 22, the highest-rated NBA game drew 2.8 million viewers (Warriors vs. Knicks on TNT), while the lowest averaged just 355,000 (Lakers vs. Nuggets on NBATV).
Aftear reading the comments let me make it clear that I am not sure like my idea in that it continues college sports down a slippery slope for which none of us can see the bottom (or top). But it certainly seems like something needs to be done or bowls will just be something we tell our kids and grandkids about.
Sounds like a good idea but most of these bowls are already losing money and to add another million and a half to two million to the cost may not be feasible unless it’s picked up by the sponsors or maybe the network
I can understand the resistance to it, but I am struggling on why the comparison would be to WWE as opposed to any professional sport?
Why? Have you seen some of the refereeing that takes place in some of our games. And tell me that the playoff selection doesn’t have a “predetermined” look to it. ****, cinci ran the table and still almost got hosed Out of the top 4. It’s all Bread and Circus, man. The money just makes it more absurd than it is already.
Putting aside Covid for a moment, it is obvious to all that bowl games have lost their luster. I would argue that the 2 factors most responsible for this are 1) the playoffs which are really what most impartial viewers watch and 2) NFL prospects for which kids don’t want to get hurt. So I was considering what incentive bowls could create for players, and the answer is so obvious.

Pay kids for the NIL if the play in the bowl game. You will still have some kids opt who expect to be 1st round picks, but the vast majority will play for some reasonable scratch. So instead of gift bags of stuff most players already have, pay them $$$.
Everyone is getting exactly what they've been asking for for the last several years, you wanted players to get paid? Then players are getting paid, now stop making threads on every little thing about it and deal with it
Are we talking serious money? Like thousands or tens of thousands?

Because I do believe players get a little something for going to bowl games. Not monetarily but in the form of like gifts and gift cards (depending on the bowl sponsor). Chump change basically.
Some new ideas in here - outside the box thinking. New ideas are never a bad thing.

Here's another angle though - direct NIL gets specifics kids to play then they fake a hammy in the 1st quarter and sit the rest of the game so they don't further injure themselves? Said player plays but his snap count goes from his usually 50-55 to 20-25.

Using direct money to strictly bring players to the table doesn't always result with the true intent. No matter what you do, there will always be those who skirt the system and either ruin it for everyone or make it look shady so future individuals don't get the same type of offers/deals.....and this isn't just for sports but across the board in many businesses.
The idea of Bowls paying out NIL cash to kids participating and/or insuring them against injury would have another good effect. It would drive the fringe Bowls out of existence as they aren't much of a moneymaker anyway. Nobody shows up to watch in person.

Actually, since its ESPN who wants and benefits from these fringe bowls, they should be the ones paying up/providing insurance. Also, 8 wins not 6 should be required for bowl eligibilty.
The participants should absolutely get paid for these games. They mean absolutely nothing competitively aside from another way for the schools and networks to get paid. Gotta find away either competitively of monetarily to incentivize participation
Putting aside Covid for a moment, it is obvious to all that bowl games have lost their luster. I would argue that the 2 factors most responsible for this are 1) the playoffs which are really what most impartial viewers watch and 2) NFL prospects for which kids don’t want to get hurt. So I was considering what incentive bowls could create for players, and the answer is so obvious.

Pay kids for the NIL if the play in the bowl game. You will still have some kids opt who expect to be 1st round picks, but the vast majority will play for some reasonable scratch. So instead of gift bags of stuff most players already have, pay them $$$.
I like it
Some new ideas in here - outside the box thinking. New ideas are never a bad thing.

Here's another angle though - direct NIL gets specifics kids to play then they fake a hammy in the 1st quarter and sit the rest of the game so they don't further injure themselves? Said player plays but his snap count goes from his usually 50-55 to 20-25.

Using direct money to strictly bring players to the table doesn't always result with the true intent. No matter what you do, there will always be those who skirt the system and either ruin it for everyone or make it look shady so future individuals don't get the same type of offers/deals.....and this isn't just for sports but across the board in many businesses.
Lol bruh idk what kind of athletes you know but it’s rare for something like this to be would take a special type of ******* to take a injury. But a way to curve that insane thought, have a bigger pot for the winning team
Every bowl game is going to be named after some NFT ponzi scheme or crypto website when bowl games start telling sponsors they need to foot the bill for 200 players to come play.

Top draft prospects are going to drop out of every non playoff bowl game unless they are getting minimum high six figures up front.
I can understand the resistance to it, but I am struggling on why the comparison would be to WWE as opposed to any professional sport?
Because you don’t pay a guy to not sit out the super bowl. He signs a contract for that year and plays in the games your team is eligible for. Since there’s a contract, everyone has rights and responsibilities and those are clear. There’s no need to negotiate each game.
“ I think one thing that they should absolutely do is evaluate every draft eligible player before the bowl game as to their likely draft spot and then provide them insurance. I am sure the bowls would be able to get a very discounted price per player if they are covering the entire team.”

I like this idea, a lot actually.

Here’s the thing: There needs to be wholesale changes across the board. The bowl committee operates independent of The NCAA. The NCAA controls the other intercollegiate athletic championships, including FCS. With that being said, between The NIL situation, and these bowl games, if the NCAA is going to continue this charade of being a governing body, then they need to work w/ all entities involved w/ CFB, namely NFL (Sr Bowl, Shrine, NFL Advisory Board), The Bowl Committee, and now Congress (which sounds weird af).

Parameters need to be set regarding NIL, and not some state by state b.s. I also feel these NIL should be used as an exposure to bowl games. Like u said, evaluation & advisory should be done on a draft eligible players before bowl season; and pending on draft grade, an insurance policy put in place if an injury occurs during a game that affects draft status (or something like that).

If u want these kids & schools to stop opting out, then incentives need to issued. Also, I suggested this yrs ago, but some of these bowl games have to go. U want better quality? Eliminate like 13 of these games, & u do that by raising the criteria to win 7 games in order to be bowl eligible. U’ll get way better match ups that way. Just some thoughts.
Those are good points and would make the most of the system we seem to have right now. That said, I’d like to see a totally different system since we’ve started down this road.

The issue I see is that once you pay kids to play in the bowl game, that opens the door for kids to negotiate money for each game. Maybe a kid doesn’t want to play the opener against bama, he thinks it’s a risk. Or he just knows you need him real bad that game. Maybe he doesn’t see the point in wasting his time on Duke.

Whatever the case, you end up negotiating a payment for each game as air comes up.
Sounds like a good idea but most of these bowls are already losing money and to add another million and a half to two million to the cost may not be feasible unless it’s picked up by the sponsors or maybe the network

Are they losing money? I haven't seen any articles saying as much and I'm also not saying they don't exist. I'm just curious as I've said seen someone type this before.

Even if some are, I doubt it's much as it wouldn't make sense to even offer your venue as a bowl game. The named sponsor is likely paying any potential loss for the advertising spot.

If you have an article you've read, I wouldn't mind reading it.
Once anyone started to profit financially from football, amateurism didn’t make sense. It’s pretty amazing that the ncaa got as big as it has and lasted as long as it has on the idea that even though there’s were hundreds of millions being made, the players didn’t deserve a cut.

Other than being afraid we’ll lose the sport we love, there’s no rational reason to support the current system.
Because the pay out was always a free education. What you see as no pay others see as a free 100k+ educational opportunity.
Putting aside Covid for a moment, it is obvious to all that bowl games have lost their luster. I would argue that the 2 factors most responsible for this are 1) the playoffs which are really what most impartial viewers watch and 2) NFL prospects for which kids don’t want to get hurt. So I was considering what incentive bowls could create for players, and the answer is so obvious.

Pay kids for the NIL if the play in the bowl game. You will still have some kids opt who expect to be 1st round picks, but the vast majority will play for some reasonable scratch. So instead of gift bags of stuff most players already have, pay them $$$.
To give any chance* for non-CFBPO bowls to be competitve, Tier the NIL or "prize" money.

Deep six the ***** pack giftbags and replace with👇

Winners = XX payout
Losers = X payout
O-MVP = X payout
D-MVP = X payout

*still might not work