MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

Ghost town. This place is usually elbows to ********.

Of course he’s better suited for Utah than he would be in Miami, I wasn’t advocating we should’ve hired him...

I was pointing out that everyone having this revelation that Utah is a good team is just narrative spin to justify Oregon getting shellacked by them, but if that’s true then people can’t talk about Mario as if he’s the second coming of Saban, can’t have it both ways.

The overall point I’m making is, both Whittingham & Mario are great coaches, people don’t need justify one in order to justify the other. The ineffable defense of Oregon on this board is missing the mark, Oregon’s bad performances over the last 2 months is notwithstanding of Mario’s coaching acumen.

It’s possible he’ll do better at Miami than he did at Oregon, I’ve seen too many people parrot the idea that he needs to replicate what was done at Oregon & IMO, they’re not the barometer by which we should judge what we can do here.

What I’m basically saying is, Canes fans (not you OCCC lol) don’t need to defend Oregon every day on this board when they’re rightly criticized, a criticism of Oregon is not synonymous to a criticism of Mario.

After having read the rest of your post I agree with what you’re saying. I can say that the Utah losses are on Mario, and also think he’s the right guy for us, right now.

We absolutely have to get over the hump talent wise, even with whatever deficits Mario might have, I think he is probably the best available person to try and do that.
that w
Whittingham might indeed be a better coach than Mario. My theory is guys like him don’t do well in places like Miami. Coaching Utah type players, in my opinion, is different than coaching the south Florida mentality or 4-star, 7 on 7 mentality.

I’ve talked about this in another thread. Just food for thought. Some people are better suited for certain areas and certain types of recruits than other people.
Whittingham isn't a fool and the theory certain people won't do well in certain places isn't real. Whittingham has chosen his path, he is happy and has a really good program. To think he couldn't come to Miami and win just isn't reality. He is worth 8million way before Mario but.....
Taint starting to fall off under Day. Still bringing in crazy talent but cracks are showing. Julian Fleming was supposed be a can't miss all world guy and he's got barely over 100 yards in two seasons.
Taint starting to fall off under Day. Still bringing in crazy talent but cracks are showing. Julian Fleming was supposed be a can't miss all world guy and he's got barely over 100 yards in two seasons.
He play wr? OSU been STACKED at that position.. they just had Jameson Williams get the thorns out of his *** on bench transfer out to bama, start asap and light up the SEC for like 1400 yards n 15 tds
He play wr? OSU been STACKED at that position.. they just had Jameson Williams get the thorns out of his *** on bench transfer out to bama, start asap and light up the SEC for like 1400 yards n 15 tds
True but he was supposed to be the best of that loaded class they got a few years ago instead Njiba has been that guy and Fleming has been passed by freshman like Marvin Harrison Jr.

That defense isn't performing the way they are used to in the past either.
This is unreal. All coaching or is it that difficult to predict how young athletes will develop as they mature?
A combination I'd say. Utah's staff is great in pure football, no doubt. But Wittingham's been there a long time and they have an established team culture that all new guys must buy into fast. The peer/teammate influence is like an extension of the coaching. With that you don't waste a lot of time with problem child issues. And of course that environment makes development a lot easier for those who know how to do it. In other words Utah is the direct opposite of the FSU culture that Taggart and Norvell took over.
I agree. I looked him up and he was a high 4 star - 97 on 247. I don’t even remember him.
Great job getting position, turning around and tracking the ball. Once the ball is in the air a db has just as much right to get the ball as the wr.

I hope Mario has the same mindset to let a younger kid play if he is better than the older players on his unit.