Borregales says he’s all in

Jose staying would be huge but he has a chance to get drafted next year. No need for him to stay.

Kiper currently has him rated second for draft eligible kickers and punters behind McPherson from UF which we were also heavily recruiting at one point.
He was actually committed to us f4 a month or 2!
Threads of the Week:

-VT Travel Logistics Question
-We're going to beat VT by 20+
-Borregales is all-in
The logistics question still has me scratching myself
itchy sloth GIF
Stronger leg perhaps, but you're jumping the gun on better. You can't judge a K until he plays, and, more importantly, till he misses a kick.
Agree with you but he's higher rated than his brother was and they made a Youtube video recently (that I can't find but @RVACane has seen it) of them kicking and he made a 65 yarder and his brother missed.

Here's how good Andres is. 65 yard field goal and he can also punt.
