Bookstore or AllCanes - who you got?

Just at both this weekend. Agree with M2TH. Gimmicky stuff - Allcanes. Everything else: bookstore.

Not that close.

I'm not the biggest fan of the customer service at AllCanes sometimes. Bookstore is more consistent in that department. AllCanes is easier to get to so I usually budge and go there. I agree that Allcanes is too pricey.
Bookstore website is legit. Some the best canes gear ive seen ever. I just went to it the first time today. All canes site sucks. Overpriced.
AllCanes & The book store are both great. I think we must remember the support that AllCanes gives the program. They survive during the lean years, many lately, and thrive in the good times. AllCanes will ALWAYS give you a discount, usually 10% or 20%, if you just "ask". Also, AllCanes offers online coupons. Google AllCanes Coupons. You can purchase one for 25$ & get 50$ worth of gear. They are always making deals. You can call the store and ask whats out there. I use both and support everything with a []_[] on it.
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I've had more than one iffy customer service experience at AllCanes and two of them have been from the GM as a result I chose to spend my money elsewhere. Not to mention their website is brutal.