Bobby Petrino seems to be betting the Farm on Sept 1st


Aug 7, 2012
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Lol he sure as sh*t made sure to mention wifes and family a lot. I don't mean to mock the guy because maybe he honestly does feel that way but it would have just been bad *** if he was all I like strange and I'm not apologizing. Instead of some perceived contrived walk up about how awesome these woman.
Stopped watching when he introduced his family.

Lol i made it about halfway thru and he keeps talking about thanking the wives and family for dealing with the hours and everything. What a load of ****, hope we beat the **** out of them.
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I have intensly disliked Bobby Petrino going back to the days of his "secret" airplane meeting. Throw in a young "staff member" and a motorcycle and I don't need some video of him lying some more to amp my blood up...

The wife is staying for the $$$, I'm sure that is what she tells her friends and family to keep her dignity...
Can't stand this cat, or **** that he stands for. But with that said, what do you really expect him to say regarding the first game of his regime?
Can't stand this cat, or **** that he stands for. But with that said, what do you really expect him to say regarding the first game of his regime?

That Louisville is ready to create their own new tradition and that they are not the old teams blah blah... Then go out an get a giant can of UM act right opened up on them in a 40-14 Miami blow out.

Go Canes
He can pretty much say whatever he wants right now. Louisville feels excited that they have the last coach they had success with after losing Strong, and Petrino knows he's safe no matter what. He's on a team that lost a lot of talent, so he can use that as an excuse if we win, and if they win, they are going to be bragging about beating Miami, even if that hasn't really been worth bragging about in recent years.
What I would give for that guy to be our coach.

****ing Penn State...
Why? So he can quit on us? No ill pass.

He essentially quit on 1 team. Nobody was saying anything before the Falcons incident. Had he come here in '07 when he was flying high with Louisville we probably would've been in the national championship game hunt every year.
DBC you got too much time on your hands

Paranos has never answered if he is DbC, he has never said no. He seems to avoid talking about bears also and this new Ebola swine flu.

Look Dtitties I have saved several times I am not this DBC guy.

Also keep your vitriol bull**** to yourself , you contemtuous *****. But thanks for posting and the future please keep in mind this is not a self help group but rather a forum for posting sports related information about the miami hurricanes, so anyother random thoughts you may feel the need to share please put in your clinical journal.

Go Canes
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