Blake James

Sorry, but there's absolutely nothing he did that any other AD in the country wouldn't have done in the same position. The accused, they admitted their guilt, something that typically doesn't happen. Had he not taken swift and immediate action, you can bet he'd be out the door immediately.

That is inaccurate.
Sorry, but there's absolutely nothing he did that any other AD in the country wouldn't have done in the same position. The accused, they admitted their guilt, something that typically doesn't happen. Had he not taken swift and immediate action, you can bet he'd be out the door immediately.

That is inaccurate.

Yea FSU AD pleaded with the Winston Girl to just cash the check....
Not all schools would of pulled the trigger this quickly. Hats off to Donna and Blake on this one.
How can you say this about this man?

Regardless of what went down, it sounds like Fig and Blue talked to James and then went to the police station or the other way around.

Either way, he is an athletic director and let these young men go to the police without counsel and had them just tell everything.

As a mentor to young men that should have their backs, he should have advised them to seek legal counsel regardless.

And if we come to find out that he told them to go to the police immediately without counsel, he should be fired.
Good riddance to those losers

funny...just yesterday they were your heroes. Just goes to show you that it's all about football and NOTHING else. Just like the 17 year old girl needs help, those two young men need help as well. None of us are their judge and jury, even the PRETENDERS in the judicial system aren't their judge and jury. Get your **** together sir.
While you're handing out suck outs for Blake kicking two violent savage rapists off the football team, I demand some plaudits for feeding my kids and buying them shoes.

It's called Father's Day, unless you are also against that
... something that a slew of other athletic directors at football factories wouldn't have done.

Look how much Florida State University and the Tallahassee Police Department covered up Jameis Winston's situation—still defending his actions to this day—putting more priority on winning and fielding a winner, than the safety of its students.

Give credit where it's due. Yes, Blake "did what he's supposed to do"—but that's become a rare thing in a football-first society these days.
... something that a slew of other athletic directors at football factories wouldn't have done.

Look how much Florida State University and the Tallahassee Police Department covered up Jameis Winston's situation—still defending his actions to this day—putting more priority on winning and fielding a winner, than the safety of its students.

Give credit where it's due. Yes, Blake "did what he's supposed to do"—but that's become a rare thing in a football-first society these days.

Yes he was supposed to suspend them, but he is also supposed to give advice to players.
What Donofrio has done the last 3 years is a crime... Blake should dismiss him as swiftly.
... something that a slew of other athletic directors at football factories wouldn't have done.

Look how much Florida State University and the Tallahassee Police Department covered up Jameis Winston's situation—still defending his actions to this day—putting more priority on winning and fielding a winner, than the safety of its students.

Give credit where it's due. Yes, Blake "did what he's supposed to do"—but that's become a rare thing in a football-first society these days.

Yes he was supposed to suspend them, but he is also supposed to give advice to players.

Your line of reasoning here is misguided and foolish.

You have no idea what James did or did not do prior to the press release.

"Get yourself a good attorney," would have been competent parting advice, but any duty owed to these two young men was dispelled when they decided to do what they did.
The next time they come out with a re-published version of Profiles in Courage, there won't be a chapter about Blake James.
... something that a slew of other athletic directors at football factories wouldn't have done.

Look how much Florida State University and the Tallahassee Police Department covered up Jameis Winston's situation—still defending his actions to this day—putting more priority on winning and fielding a winner, than the safety of its students.

Give credit where it's due. Yes, Blake "did what he's supposed to do"—but that's become a rare thing in a football-first society these days.

Yes he was supposed to suspend them, but he is also supposed to give advice to players.

Your line of reasoning here is misguided and foolish.

You have no idea what James did or did not do prior to the press release.

"Get yourself a good attorney," would have been competent parting advice, but any duty owed to these two young men was dispelled when they decided to do what they did.

Seriously. Was James supposed to start dispensing legal advice to either of them? Can you even imagine the ****storm that we'd have now if it came out that James even remotely implied to either of them to not talk to the police? The OP is leaping to big conclusions too and assuming that neither talked to their parents or doesn't have any support structure outside of the athletic department. Wasn't everyone always praising Figueroa's family?

If we're jumping to conclusions here, the more likely scenario is the Gables PD separated them and these clowns didn't have a story preplanned. Cops implied the other was blaming it all on the other so they both confessed. Nobody ever watch The First 48? C'mon. I highly doubt both just admitted guilt out of remorse at this point. Nonetheless, there comes a time where a daddy figure can only go so far in these "kids" lives. Start messing with rape and such and I let Golden or James or anyone out of the insane notion of "having someone's back".
I do agree he did his job and what he was supposed to do. It is more of a testament to the character of the leaders in Athletics. There should be zero tolerance for these incidents. FSU didn't even flinch and think about suspending Winston! Championship was too much to pass up unfortunately. The grown men there could care less about the woman involved in that.