Billy Gipson? Pete?

Ya they had an excuse with thompson (grades, prev staff), and Gamble (prev staff, although I would have kept him kid can play)...Scott is all on this staff---why offer him if you are gonna push him out 2 months later?

Hope it doesn't burn bridges at SR.

It's called recruiting!!! You can't just offer 25 people in each class. Clearly you need to offer 100's of athletes each class because you never know what may happen. Pretty sure it is safe to assume 1 of 2 things. As they continued to evaluate Scott more throughout the spring he didn't get any better/faster like they had hoped. or since he committed the coaches have done a good enough job to get in on better players such as Hollomon and Smith. Every single big time program has no issue doing this type of stuff and we need to do the same. Cannot continue to allow certain schools and/or handlers handicap us.

Y'all complained about him being in the class now y'all complain about him getting pushed out....he's got plenty of time to get his options together
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I haven't heard otherwise

They want him

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makes me wonder with all his friends leaving if he is next

They weren't as high on Scott or Thompson.

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Why offer Scott if they weren't high on him? This is the wrong school to have them feeling like they can't trust miami especially with who they have in 2018 at wideout with Mark pope and daquris wiggins

How do you know Scott had a legit offer from Richt? Have you seen the official offer?
I haven't heard otherwise

They want him
Is this kid good ? Never seen

makes me wonder with all his friends leaving if he is next

They weren't as high on Scott or Thompson.

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Why offer Scott if they weren't high on him? This is the wrong school to have them feeling like they can't trust miami especially with who they have in 2018 at wideout with Mark pope and daquris wiggins

How do you know Scott had a legit offer from Richt? Have you seen the official offer?

Is This safety good . Describe him . Strong hitter or cover Guy? Does he have both ?
Ya they had an excuse with thompson (grades, prev staff), and Gamble (prev staff, although I would have kept him kid can play)...Scott is all on this staff---why offer him if you are gonna push him out 2 months later?

Hope it doesn't burn bridges at SR.

We have a real good excuse when a kid goes public stating he basically settled on us & if an offer comes from Tennessee he's probably gone. **** him & Tennessee & you're trolling *** talking **** about the staff. Get a backbone
Ya they had an excuse with thompson (grades, prev staff), and Gamble (prev staff, although I would have kept him kid can play)...Scott is all on this staff---why offer him if you are gonna push him out 2 months later?

Hope it doesn't burn bridges at SR.

We have a real good excuse when a kid goes public stating he basically settled on us & if an offer comes from Tennessee he's probably gone. **** him & Tennessee & you're trolling *** talking **** about the staff. Get a backbone

Hold up! Did Scott really say that? If so then good for us for pulling the plug like we did. Settled for us? Dude isn't even UM material! Tennessee? Botch Jones? GTFOOH!
He didn't say if TENN offered he would bolt. But he did say that if TENN offered that would be the only team that would seriously contend with us. It would basically be 50/50. BUT with all that said, after the Paradise camp he said he was All In and wasn't considering anyone else. So who knows.
I see Gibson as the next Grace. He will be an NFL backer who never has to come off of the field.
Ya they had an excuse with thompson (grades, prev staff), and Gamble (prev staff, although I would have kept him kid can play)...Scott is all on this staff---why offer him if you are gonna push him out 2 months later?

Hope it doesn't burn bridges at SR.

We have a real good excuse when a kid goes public stating he basically settled on us & if an offer comes from Tennessee he's probably gone. **** him & Tennessee & you're trolling *** talking **** about the staff. Get a backbone
