Listen helmet head...
You can say whatever you want about me, the WHS program, the Southeast program, our staff, whatever. At the end of the day YOU'RE A STAT BOY. You have zero to do with the success of Saint Thomas. ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.
Even if I was a bad coach, I'd rather be a bad coach than a meaningless stat guy.
You're been hiding your identity on these message boards for years. I've never been the type to hide. I have no shame in what I do. You, however, would never tell people your affiliation with STA cause you know how meaningless you are and you know that people won't take you seriously.
I get more respect around STA than you do. Nobody even knows (or cares) who you are at that school. I know countless people at STA, from the Principal to several teachers, prominent football players from the 90's, several current/former football coaches...shoot I'm even good friends with four chicks from the 1998-2000 softball teams.
You're a duck, dude. You boast about STA all the time but you have nothing to do with their success. You're a glorified cheerleader. And I always knew you were soft cause I can tell by how you belittle people on the internet and how you make fun of kids. (especially if said kid went to WHS) When I found out who you were it only confirmed my suspicions. You're a soft shouldered beta male. You're the epitome of an internet tough guy, the dude who only talks trash on the internet.
And I repeat...