Big Game Tonight

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Only a true idiot would reference Art Taylor, a guy I've beaten to death 3/4 meetings, while trying to dis me/us. The only person from our old staff that's still at WHS is the OC and even he is still owning Art.

Art Taylor won a district championship at Cooper City over STA!

You losers can't quality for the playoffs over Cypress Bay. Or even stay within 32 points of them.

But yet he gets raped when he's head-to-head against us...and somehow he's still better. LMAO

And I always knew you were soft cause I can tell by how you belittle people on the internet and how you make fun of kids.

This is so ironic it's amazing.

All you've done in this thread is attempt to personally insult somebody for owning your ***.

That must make you the softest clown on this board.
Nobody even knows (or cares) who you are at that school.

You've mentioned Dr. Aloma (who I had as a student) and Moose (who's no longer with the program).

That's 'everybody' to you apparently. And I do know Moose very well actually. So you named a former teacher or mine and a guy I know very well.

So you can't even get that right either.

You can't address the topic of being a crappy, fraud of a coach so you attack other people personally.

That's par for the course for you.

Dude. LOL

You're a nobody. That's the point, not whether you know them or not.
And I always knew you were soft cause I can tell by how you belittle people on the internet and how you make fun of kids.

This is so ironic it's amazing.

All you've done in this thread is attempt to personally insult somebody for owning your ***.

That must make you the softest clown on this board.

LOL @ YOU talking about personal insults. The king!
First game was last week against Leto dude. SMH

So now you're admitting that you don't even know what a kickoff classic is.

So you suck at coaching, are forced to lie about everything and you don't even understand the concept of kickoff classics.

I bet more personal attacks are coming to cover for you rank incompetence.
And I repeat...


Still not true.

How about this? How about you show up to STA's next game and ask who the stat guy is.

You might be able to state your first fact.

Oh, no?

Then what's your affiliation with STA?

Andrew Stanley1.webp
You're a nobody. That's the point, not whether you know them or not.

You said nobody knows who I am.

That's a humongous lie. Usual for somebody of your character.

So now they know who I am but I'm a nobody.

I suspect soon you'll be changing it again.

Listen helmet head...

You can say whatever you want about me, the WHS program, the Southeast program, our staff, whatever. At the end of the day YOU'RE A STAT BOY. You have zero to do with the success of Saint Thomas. ZERO. NADA. ZILCH.

Even if I was a bad coach, I'd rather be a bad coach than a meaningless stat guy.

You're been hiding your identity on these message boards for years. I've never been the type to hide. I have no shame in what I do. You, however, would never tell people your affiliation with STA cause you know how meaningless you are and you know that people won't take you seriously.

I get more respect around STA than you do. Nobody even knows (or cares) who you are at that school. I know countless people at STA, from the Principal to several teachers, prominent football players from the 90's, several current/former football coaches...shoot I'm even good friends with four chicks from the 1998-2000 softball teams.

You're a duck, dude. You boast about STA all the time but you have nothing to do with their success. You're a glorified cheerleader. And I always knew you were soft cause I can tell by how you belittle people on the internet and how you make fun of kids. (especially if said kid went to WHS) When I found out who you were it only confirmed my suspicions. You're a soft shouldered beta male. You're the epitome of an internet tough guy, the dude who only talks trash on the internet.

And I repeat...

LOL @ YOU talking about personal insults. The king!

I don't know your name or anything of that sort. And I don't care.

I just know that you have never won a playoff game and you claim to be a great coach but you make up stuff and lie about everything.
You're a nobody. That's the point, not whether you know them or not.

You said nobody knows who I am.

That's a humongous lie. Usual for somebody of your character.

So now they know who I am but I'm a nobody.

I suspect soon you'll be changing it again.

Obviously a couple people know you. How else do you think I found out that you're name is Andrew Stanley?

Stop reaching.
Macho has been owned for the better part of 4-5 years and his only response is to attempt to personally attack people.

The reason is simple.

He can't defend himself on the merits. He's a proven liar and fraud.
What's your affiliation with STA Mr. Stanley?

I was right.

You're incapable of doing it.

I'm an alumnus of STA. You're apparently so connected that you're 'people' don't even know who they're talking about.

I already know what your affiliation is though. You do stats.

You're denying it though, so I want to hear your explanation. Obviously you're more than just an alumnus. I'm friends with dozens of STA alums and none of them know stats like you do. LOL
I already know what your affiliation is though. You do stats.

No I don't.

I've already challenged you to show up and ask or even call somebody in athletics.

You've been wrong about everything in this thread. And you keep going and going.
Obviously you're more than just an alumnus. I'm friends with dozens of STA alums and none of them know stats like you do. LOL

It keeps getting better and better.

So since somebody is good with numbers, is smarter than you and cares to be accurate they must do stats.

What a buffoon.
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