Yes this team has overachieved the predictions and expectations and certainly Coach L (and staff) deserves credit. (As well as the guys who achieved it, OFC) There have been numerous legit gripes and criticism of his reign here, especially in recent years regarding roster management and recruiting and style of play and what was anticipated after the NCAA "taste". Also some game and player management, not all that dissimilar from Coach Manny such as player preference playing time and development. I won't revisit the numerous complex issues voiced here by mostly hopeful dedicated attentive fans and CIS posters, and acknowledge the NCAA and injury aspects that explain some of that. And he is a legendary Final_4 lovable coach with earned credibility.
I personally would prefer to see a more Katie Meier approach on the court as well as a better grip of the Tobacco Refs "management". These refs of course are Miami-manglers, and the current players are overtly subject to pronounced spurts and hiccups that (I feel) would benefit in energy and motivation from a more engaged style, and rotations (example: more Walker less Sam today.) With a 4-4 February, we very well could have been out of the dance with a BC loss.
This team surely has it's limits, and is far from a very good team despite it's ranking attainment within the down-year ACC. Every win is a treat, and a delight, despite the process to get there being at times frustrating and painful. If all (most?) of the team have good days at the same time, as they have shown up, we could probably beat anyone on a given day, and hope we do going forward, this year and always. So I guess the Sky is the Limit.
I suggest most (even all here) love our team sincerely, from Coach on down, even if we nitpick, moan, groan, over-negatize, or whatever in our wishful and wistful thinking. What makes a successful even great Coach is a matrix of many many factors including circumstances and gametime situations... Coach L has been spot on at times, and less so at other times. I didn't really mind his demeanor today, though I prefer otherwise - but after all he faces permanent scowl (but also legendary successful) Coach K tomorrow!