Bat Signal Thread Discussion

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You’re probably going to run yourself over with your own car long before you get to that point
Jokes on you, I take the subway and ubers. Though getting murdered here in the NYC subways is probably more likely than getting run over. I honestly don’t care that much brother but clearly you misunderstood what I wrote originally.

Can CIS offer whale notifications? Fully grown blue that is. No humpback, sperm or beluga.
Someone mentioned a DJ Dallas type impact, though for a swiss army knife type, and while in 'recruiting mode' that may not qualify as a 'whale', from a team-building standpoint an addition along those lines would be tremendous.
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4 star TE, #1 player in NV.

also, these coaches will treat every player/recruit/commit the same when it comes to bat signals
I just was wondering if there was two commits or if they were all for one player was all

I think lofton is a great addition
Jokes on you, I take the subway and ubers. Though getting murdered here in the NYC subways is probably more likely than getting run over. I honestly don’t care that much brother but clearly you misunderstood what I wrote originally.
😂 It’s all good I’m just busting balls anyway of course

All I meant was we are gonna be good to go in a few weeks when these visits get settled and kids get their decisions in order

Better days ahead for all of us
Flo discussing the whale tweet - saying not everyone defines 'whale' the same way. Sure seems to be indicating it's gonna be Lofton. Apparently committing (somewhere) tonight at 9pm.
I'd like to ask Dennis: if Lofton is a whale (nothing against the kid)... what is a Justin Scott or Dylan Stewart?
This dude is legit
He’s a much better version of Brantley when I see his film
Body size to be a huge mismatch in our future offense and he’s a willing and good blocker
A good compliment to the guys from last year
We don’t need a “whale” this year
We got back to back whales at te
We need good football players and that’s what I see
Trust me I’m the first to hate when I think a player is a jag
But I think this guy will be good
Like Bain if he was 2 inches taller he would be considered a whale
And the way it looks if we don’t get him, then we’re really stuck with just jags as remaining options
I'd like to ask Dennis: if Lofton is a whale (nothing against the kid)... what is a Justin Scott or Dylan Stewart?
gareth edwards godzilla GIF
Not to star *****, but I think to qualify as a “whale”, you should at least be a 5star. Great pick up tho
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