Barry Jackson

Gonna need to see a shirtless photograph of Barry Jackson before I can weigh in on this topic guys

You guys just don't get it.

This is all about appearances. The NCAA never even considered tossing this case. They can't. It would end them. They must throw whatever is left of their case before the judge (COI) and get a decision. That way, they can maintain appearances of validity. If they dismissed just because UM poked holes in their case, every subsequent investigation would receive the same response. Chaos would reign. They can't run scared in a case that Yahoo blew up nationally or they'd look like even bigger fools than they do now. Its all about appearances.

Oh, and last I checked, UM did, in fact, commit violations. It is the COI's job to determine if the self-imposed penalties fit the crime and pass judgment.

Likewise, UM's motion to dismiss never was expected to be granted. That big fat pile of paper was nothing more than UM's best shot to educate the COI. And it was brilliant. The COI assigned one person to be judge and that person ruled that the MTD must be ruled upon by the entire committee. Translation? EVERYONE GETS TO READ IT!!!!!!! And that is spectacular news for UM.

Patience, we'll be fine.

Falling apart by the seams

Yet they're stubbornly sticking to their guns when they could have just squashed the whole **** thing. I really want to sue these ******** after this is all done and over with. They have already had us on probatiion for 2 years.

******* gospel.