Barry Jackson- they can’t get a few of the top players who are inclined to take illegal payments

No. I am just saying I am not surprised the 2 worst staphs in modern miami history would whine about other teams cheating instead of cheating themselves or figuring out a way to beat the bag.
Yeah sorry you can't beat the bag unless you have a bag so this comment is just pointless. Not saying I am happy with the last 2 staffs as we lost plenty of guys who didn't get bags but in the case of guys that did I know it is not the coaches fault. Just don't have the size or alumni to stack the bags.
If you think Miami is going to get away with dropping Bama style bags, you're either retarded or have zero knowledge of the college football landscape and Miami's history.

Some random rogue booster buys a few players lap dances and dinners and the NCAA was ready to drop the death penalty. The only thing that saved us was their own lawyer's incompetence.

Miami is full of loudmouth idiots that like to flash and brag and that's literally the stupidest thing to do when you're doing "favors" for athletes. Just look at that car rental guy who got AQM, Grace and whatshisname thrown off the team a few years ago. The city is full of those guys who can't keep their mouths shut.

If those idiots don't out themselves, there's no shortage of snitch "media" members who would gladly throw UM under the bus of it meant they'd get to break the big story. Especially since a majority of the local media went to UF or FSU. ****, even the UM alums in media would rat out the program for a tiny bit of notoriety.

All of this.

I mentioned the rental car thing the other day.

Meanwhile, other schools have kids pulling up in 2019 Raptors and fleets of Dodge Chargers in the parking lot.

I’m not naïve enough to think Miami is squeaky clean, but we’re just not operating on the same level.
The fact of the matter is it's an uneven playing field and it will continue to be as long as the people at the NCAA office get to pick and choose what rules they want to enforce and which schools they want to investigate. The whole system, including the punishments is completely arbitrary. Some schools get hammered for what seems like a mild offense while others get slaps on the wrist for blatant cheating.

I'm not going to hold my breath hoping for the NCAA to stop playing favorites so the only real option for a team like Miami is to become a consistent enough winner to where the front runner kids will want to play here despite not getting the "bags".
Yeah blah blah.

NCAA doesn’t have it out for Miami more than any other school.
How do you know? If you saw the media coverage in the years since JJ coached you would believe the whole world hates, or hated, UM. Remember the smear jobs by Sports Illustrated.

Pure hate. I wouldn't be surprised if the poisonous atmosphere spilled over into other sectors of our society, including the NCAA.
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All of this.

I mentioned the rental car thing the other day.

Meanwhile, other schools have kids pulling up in 2019 Raptors and fleets of Dodge Chargers in the parking lot.

I’m not naïve enough to think Miami is squeaky clean, but we’re just not operating on the same level.
Yeah, there's no major media in Tuscaloosca or Athens (Georgia, not Greece--still trying to find that Greek kicker). The media is probably in bed with the schools and programs in those towns.

In fact, one of our scandals, I think it was Pell grants and bounty hits we might have been turned in by a disgruntled former compliance guy. (I knew him, trying to remember his name). The guy was fired and blew the whistle. Why didn't he stop the stuff while he was working there?
Everybody gives kids a little extra, but the big boys give a lot more.
I used to hear, back in the '80's, that we only paid Dade County players. My source was very well-placed as a booster, but might have been prone to exaggeration. Other guys I spoke to wouldn't or couldn't confirm this.
Lol its not going to do anything. There is a reason why no on snitches. I don't know the reason, but there has to be a reaason. Otherwise programs like Iowa or some schit would snitch. Its probably because EVERY school is doing something illegal on a certain level and they don't want to get themselves caught up.

Look how easy it is for the feds to get hard OGs to flip and snitch. Imagine how easy it would be for them to catch a 17 year old twitter diva getting a bag and then getting him to turn state. It would be the easiest possible thing. There is a reason it doesn't happen.
I've felt for a long time that this could be the reason we don't snitch.
All of this.

I mentioned the rental car thing the other day.

Meanwhile, other schools have kids pulling up in 2019 Raptors and fleets of Dodge Chargers in the parking lot.

I’m not naïve enough to think Miami is squeaky clean, but we’re just not operating on the same level.
Lap dances? Why do we have to pay for the lap dances?

Can't we find some girls to do them for free?

Then the NCAA would have to decide if they are "extra benefits" as the NCAA defines them.
Yeah sorry you can't beat the bag unless you have a bag so this comment is just pointless. Not saying I am happy with the last 2 staffs as we lost plenty of guys who didn't get bags but in the case of guys that did I know it is not the coaches fault. Just don't have the size or alumni to stack the bags.

How did we land Nesta or Zo? We landed a bunch of kids that were offered bags.
LOL at UM fans caping for the cheating *** redneck motherfckers robbing us blind. You guys are either super naive or just don’t give a fck about the redneck raid that is giving them a clear competitive advantage over the team you supposedly root for. Pathetic motherfckers.

Yes. We suck. Yes. It’s mostly a result of **** offensive coaching. That still doesn’t absolve the open blatant cheating in the redneck raid. It gives the team you allegedly root for zero margin for error when the vast majority of the best local players are being traded like cattle.
How much you think Stevenson got paid?
A point often overlooked is it's the ongoing perks and presents and assistance that make a huge difference as well. Getting johnny's mom some dental work. Fixing the family tractor. Vacations or flights to games. Gift baskets for holidays. Repairing or a new toolshed. Etc.

Kids talk among themselves, and its known what programs keep the goods coming through years 1-2-3. And its much easier to do in Tuscaloosa or Athens. Local merchants and such are on board. Easier to do, and keep quiet about it, than in a Big Media market area. Been going on for decades in those places, and all the kids and families know it and the network.