Barry Jackson....Step it up boys (and Guidry)

I don’t think he went far enough to be honest. 3 letters come to mind and those would be “NIL.” They need to be put on blast BY NAME! Every Saturday I find myself wondering just how many points we are going to have to score to win a game. We went after a PAC10 coach and we got a PAC10 defense to show for it and the offense… I have so much to say about this season but not going to do it because I have better uses of my time. I will say that I will not be surprised if we don’t win another game this season including whatever bowl game we end up in and leave it at that.
Get off my lawn guy has arrived. Stop blaming useless garbage for **** poor performance. That's a bitter take.

I do think there are a couple items Barry missed beyond Guidry;

1. Kiko hasn't just regressed, he's gone from quite good to awful. Not sure how that is possible with the same DC and in one's senior year.

2. Been a fins fans forever, but how is Jason Taylor skating here? We were supposedly stacking (my vote for newish word of the yer at CIS) DEs. We are not getting sacks. Hurries underwhelming. And nobody can set the edge? Why has nobody appeared to have learned anything as the year has gone on?

3. Harris is just beyond awful. As opponents figured out how clueless he is, he's just a TD waiting to happen.
I wish they would just try putting players back to positions/duties that they once thrived in. Instead, to cover up holes we’re just creating even more holes and confusion.
- kikos stats dnt lie. He was an effective blitz/sack guy. Not a cover guy. Have him do what he did last year and find me a LB that can cover.
- DPJ was effective in his role last year. Put him back
- Mesidor his first year flashed at DE, put him back.

Simple thinking. Mario’s whole talk about playing guys that have earned trust?!?! Trust where. The last 4 games i dnt trust any of them at their current roles.
I just saw a story where he talked publicly for the first time about his wife’s battle with cancer. She apparently has had a recurrence and is going back and forth between NY and OKlahoma for treatment

Probably explains his demeanor this year.
It’s been a rough season down at OU…
Ouch. Had absolutely no ideas. More important things than coaching in this world.