barry jackson on seantrel

When we finally have this NCAA stuff behind us and Golden wins the ACC outright......

Oh Lawdy....

Coastal Division Champs? Lulz....

Might as well print a shirt that says " teh smartest kid wit teh Down's Syndrome awarded"

Yup. Winning the Coastal is no huge honor. Especially this year. We don't need t-shirts for getting a monkey off our back. It's something for the kids in the program to feel good about, but not something as a fan I want to boast about with a t-shirt.
We did win the division.

No ... North Carolina did.

After tie-breakers, we won the division. Even over UNC.

Not true. UNC would have won if everyone was eligible. Just so everyone gets this, here's the tiebreakers, straight from the ACC site (I added the bolded parts):

B. Three (or More) Team Tie (UM, UNC, GaTech)
(Once tie has been reduced to two teams, the two-team tiebreaker format is used)

  1. Combined head-to-head record among the tied teams. (We were all 1-1 against each other)
  2. Records of the tied teams within the division. (We were all 3-2 in the division)
  3. Head-to-head competition versus the team within the division with the best overall (divisional or conference) record, and proceeding through the division. Multiple ties within the division will be broken first to last. (This would be VaTech. UM and UNC beat them, GaTech lost to them, so GaTech is eliminated. Revert to two team tiebreaker)

A. Two-Team Tie

  1. Head-to-head competition between the two tied teams. (UNC beat us, they are Coastal Champs)
We did win the division.

No ... North Carolina did.

After tie-breakers, we won the division. Even over UNC.

Not true. UNC would have won if everyone was eligible. Just so everyone gets this, here's the tiebreakers, straight from the ACC site (I added the bolded parts):

B. Three (or More) Team Tie (UM, UNC, GaTech)
(Once tie has been reduced to two teams, the two-team tiebreaker format is used)

  1. Combined head-to-head record among the tied teams. (We were all 1-1 against each other)
  2. Records of the tied teams within the division. (We were all 3-2 in the division)
  3. Head-to-head competition versus the team within the division with the best overall (divisional or conference) record, and proceeding through the division. Multiple ties within the division will be broken first to last. (This would be VaTech. UM and UNC beat them, GaTech lost to them, so GaTech is eliminated. Revert to two team tiebreaker)

A. Two-Team Tie

  1. Head-to-head competition between the two tied teams. (UNC beat us, they are Coastal Champs)

LULZ at people wanting a division champion shirt.

Also, we need Porter to stay more than we need Henderson, but it'd be great to have both back.

After an injury riddled season, WHERE is he gonna go. These kids saw what happened last year when kids chased that money and got BURNED! Could you imagine if Lamar Miller and Duke Johnson were sharing a backfield with brandon Washington still blocking?

Porter is thinking about entering the draft??? That seems like a topic ripe for a message board; surprised it has not come up before.
As far as the shirts go I think you guys are ignoring what the players themselves think.

Sure the fans think it's a joke because we still think it's 2001.
What's next? A t-shirt for being first runnerup in the UNC game?

Save the t-shirt for when we really win something. There is something obscene about a five loss team even thinking about a t-shirt. The whole thing stinks of desperation. Do any of you really think this is our only chance to win the ACC? If I believed that (I don't) I would stop watching and find some other activity during football season.
I'm hoping SH sees that there is more money to be made by returning for his senior year. He has the chance to rehab his rep a little more and maybe work into the top 2 rounds with a great senior year.
AllCanes has to run all t-shirts thru the University before printing?

All shirts that would have the UM logo, probably.

The U and its likeness, team colors, ibis are all property of the school. They have the say

thank god they stepped in, who buys a coastal division champ shirt? And buys one after we backed into/lost to the team who won but was also suspended
Only muther****s buying this shirt anyway were Gators and Noles.

For trolling purposes.
We did win the division.

No ... North Carolina did.

After tie-breakers, we won the division. Even over UNC.

Not true. UNC would have won if everyone was eligible. Just so everyone gets this, here's the tiebreakers, straight from the ACC site (I added the bolded parts):

B. Three (or More) Team Tie (UM, UNC, GaTech)
(Once tie has been reduced to two teams, the two-team tiebreaker format is used)

  1. Combined head-to-head record among the tied teams. (We were all 1-1 against each other)
  2. Records of the tied teams within the division. (We were all 3-2 in the division)
  3. Head-to-head competition versus the team within the division with the best overall (divisional or conference) record, and proceeding through the division. Multiple ties within the division will be broken first to last. (This would be VaTech. UM and UNC beat them, GaTech lost to them, so GaTech is eliminated. Revert to two team tiebreaker)

A. Two-Team Tie

  1. Head-to-head competition between the two tied teams. (UNC beat us, they are Coastal Champs)

Hes right; if everyone was eligible UNC WON THE COASTAL, according to the tie-breakers. So I dont know why they would even consider make a "Coastal Division Champions" shirt.
If you want a divisional championship shirt that we didn't even win you are remedial, and likely ***.

not sure about remedial or *** but it shows how pu$$ified this fan base is

never thought id see the day where we are celebrating backing into a coastal division championship because the team that beat us was suspended (like us) except they did it before the season started. Then again i never thought so many people would take the word of fools like papacane and cutlerridge laz as gospel so i guess i shouldnt be surprised