Barry Jackson of the Herald 2-8 Re. Defense & Manny Diaz

“Morons”??? Really dude?? You commented on my post and I mistakenly took that as you were looking to have a civilized discussion. My bad! However, If you can’t follow the logical conclusion of your own original faulty statement then there is nothing I can do for you.

Furthermore, you do realize that the whole purpose of this message board is for “morons”, you and me included, to come on here and bloviate? Or do you think people only come on here to read whatever intellectual brilliance you post next??? Relax dude, take a chill, you don’t have to be a keyboard cowboy and “address” anything.

You aren’t looking to have a “civilized” discussion. You’re trying to start argument for no reason by putting words in my mouth. And you have no idea what logic is, apparently. You’re an idiot. Have a great day!
