Oh man, no double period.
Here is an actual quote...Winning the Coastal is “actually one of the highest bars set in the entire country”.
I know you hate to answer trivial questions but in the previous part of your above porst you said "you forgot to take your drugs again". Can you be a good insane asylum patient and forget to take your drugs? I know you ride the shortbus and wear a tinfoil helmet, so perhaps you can share some personal insight.
Also, remember when you said winning the Coastal is “actually one of the highest bars set in the entire country”?
Now we're going on a tangent about paraphrasing. It was a fake quote. Here is your fake quote again..."a bankrupt, POS university just needs to hire more competent people."
Potato Checklist Revised:
1. Changes her font for every porst.
2. Porsts about poor UM and the mom and pop stuff.
3. Sticks to an illogical and irrational point even though she has been explained that it is incorrect numerous times.
4. Makes up fake quotes.
5. Believes that...Winning the Coastal is “actually one of the highest bars set in the entire country”.
As a special insane asylum patient who finds eating & throwing poo gratifying, you are unfortunately held to a different set of standards compared to other patients.
The quotes in question were these:
1.) "It doesn’t take a lot to field a better on the field performance. It isn’t talent or money that is holding us back, it is simply poor, illogical and irrational decision making and a lack of accountability."
2.) "Our biggest issue, our most relevant and material issue, is human capital and the lack thereof. Bring in a competent AD with passion and autonomy."
The abridged, non-literal interpretation of that offered by someone who's not an insane asylum patient that spends the majority of his time in a strait jacket is as follows:
"MIA as a bankrupt, pos university, just needs to hire more competent people."
"bankruptcy should never prevent MIA from hiring the most competent people, because in business human capital is hardly ever the result of finances or compensation."
"MIA should dominate & win the Coastal every yr despite having the 2nd lowest paid HC, and being out resourced by almost every school in the division."
-the accuracy of a quote doesn't determine whether it's being taken out of context or misconstrued. fyi
-saying something is illogical & irrational as an insane asylum patient that spends the majority of his time in a strait jacket doesn't make it true. fyi
-being an alum of a bankrupt, pos university is causing you to hallucinate worse than the main protagonist in the movie shutter island. fyi
-and most importantly just because **** is the same color as chocolate, doesn't mean you should eat it. fyi