Background to Corn Elder's recruitment?

He always loved UM. I remember there was a recruiting show where Barton Simmons hosted that got canceled but whatever anyway he said months before NSD that there were a few schools who were interested in him playing both sports but he added how UM was his dream school who could get him with an offer. I remember raving about him and posting 247 a lot because I'd read on UT board how people were begging for him to stay home. Anyway a couple months after NSD he was on Twitter one morning and was answering questions and as a lame I asked why hasn't UM offered and he said he didn't know and I joked I'd email them to offer him just joking around and literally the next morning at 9 am I saw he committed apparently in the spot like Barton Simmons said he would and the rest is histoey
So we got 2 Mr. Footballs out of Tennessee in Graig Cooper and Corn Elder. But continue to struggle to get Mr. Football in the State of Florida. Smh
I went to school in Nashville. His favorite sport is basketball and wanted to play both. Us and GT were only real schools who offered both. Auburn and OSU wanted him just for football but he was adamant on giving basketball a chance. Being a fan of his since HS its awesome to see this side of him cause he's considered one of the best RB's in TN history. Had an awesome career with Ensworth
It wasn't georgia tech? I always remember it being georgia tech where he was headed till we snagged him late?

Pretty sure you're thinking of Antonio Crawford

YES! THANK YOU! I WAS.. i mean i also did remember corn's interest in tech, because i remember discussing him with a tech friend during his recruitment as well as after he became a cane..but yes, you are right, i was also thinking about crawford..thank you.