Avantae Williams commits to the U



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Damnit man we close to being back. Avantae is already an elite player in his class
THAT kid was a true freshman?

Reading his comments he sounds more mature than all the duds that played recruiting games with us over the last 10+ years. Family loves Miami, and WANTS to be part of the U family. No bags are going to change that orange and green blood in their veins. This is what will make Miami great again, players, and families, that love UM.

Please tell me he's 17 playing against 14 year olds. B/c this kid is truly 2020 by age, even if he's one year older....my god. I'm going to feel sorry for the nation when he matures. He plays the game like a grown man. He's hawking ppl when he's 20 yards behind!! Welcome to the U, young man. SHIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZZNIT!
Dear God that's his Freshman tape? He may be the closest thing to ST 26 since the legend himself.
Holy fck. This is better than most senior DB highlights. Kid is a hawk and will most likely be a top 10 player if his play trends upwards.