Austin-Cave raves about UM official visit, moves up decision date

I live in Minnesota. Anyone who acts like it would be nice to live here hasn’t spent a full winter here. It’s nice 3 months out of the year here. We received the most snow this winter in so many years and it all started as late as February. We reached -50+ degrees windshield in the twin cities (where The uni of MN is located) multiple times. The school itself is located in Minneapolis which lemme tell you, is NOT Miami. The city sucks idc what anybody says. Traffic is horrible, commuting sucks as a student because you have to live so far, it’s expesnive af to live and go there. MN athletics has always and will always be trash, especially at football. PJ is a used car salesman, I despise him. The football stadium is nice for a college stadium but the horrible attendance goes down every year and it’s cold every home game minus the first few games. There is nothing to do here like there is in Miami. You’d be a fool to choose the gophers.
A podcast I was listening to was talking about a recruiting trip to Ames, Iowa in January and their staff would make sure the recruit never feels the The recruit would go from warm airport to warm van to warm buildings throughout the recruitment.
That’s smart
A podcast I was listening to was talking about a recruiting trip to Ames, Iowa in January and their staff would make sure the recruit never feels the The recruit would go from warm airport to warm van to warm buildings throughout the recruitment.

Don't forget the warm beds of the cornfeed Iowa co-eds! Ummm Hmmm those chicas are built for winter comfort. An they have snacks to share!

Go Canes
I live in Minnesota. Anyone who acts like it would be nice to live here hasn’t spent a full winter here. It’s nice 3 months out of the year here. We received the most snow this winter in so many years and it all started as late as February. We reached -50+ degrees windshield in the twin cities (where The uni of MN is located) multiple times. The school itself is located in Minneapolis which lemme tell you, is NOT Miami. The city sucks idc what anybody says. Traffic is horrible, commuting sucks as a student because you have to live so far, it’s expesnive af to live and go there. MN athletics has always and will always be trash, especially at football. PJ is a used car salesman, I despise him. The football stadium is nice for a college stadium but the horrible attendance goes down every year and it’s cold every home game minus the first few games. There is nothing to do here like there is in Miami. You’d be a fool to choose the gophers.

PJ Fleck comes in at the 37 min mark. (definitely selling salvaged titles at full price vibe)

I am not gonna lie PJ's got good taste, Heather Fleck can definitely get it.


Go Canes
I live in Minnesota. Anyone who acts like it would be nice to live here hasn’t spent a full winter here. It’s nice 3 months out of the year here. We received the most snow this winter in so many years and it all started as late as February. We reached -50+ degrees windshield in the twin cities (where The uni of MN is located) multiple times. The school itself is located in Minneapolis which lemme tell you, is NOT Miami. The city sucks idc what anybody says. Traffic is horrible, commuting sucks as a student because you have to live so far, it’s expesnive af to live and go there. MN athletics has always and will always be trash, especially at football. PJ is a used car salesman, I despise him. The football stadium is nice for a college stadium but the horrible attendance goes down every year and it’s cold every home game minus the first few games. There is nothing to do here like there is in Miami. You’d be a fool to choose the gophers.
Didn’t we miss out on a linebacker last year who went to Minnesota instead of us cause he wanted to start? PJ fluck definitely blowing smoke
Didn’t we miss out on a linebacker last year who went to Minnesota instead of us cause he wanted to start? PJ fluck definitely blowing smoke
Yeah, James’s Gordon IV. I seriously don’t know why any kid would want to play here unless it’s your best offer or you’re from the area. Otherwise if you’re good enough then choose Wisconsin or Iowa over Minnesota. The gopher football program has sucked since the 60’s.
Stefan - have you heard anything about the OV to West Virginia this past weekend? I have been snooping around their 247 board and there isn't a word about him. Seems he left around 9 am yesterday morning. He posted some basic pics this morning but nothing more.

Curious if you have heard anything....
Whaaaat you don't deal with Chica's who eat rice n beans! Oh my friend that is a staple for Caribbean and Latin women. It's the 2nd best form of natural protein in their daily diet.

Go Canes
Whaaaat you don't deal with Chica's who eat rice n beans! Oh my friend that is a staple for Caribbean and Latin women. It's the 2nd best form of natural protein in their daily diet.

Go Canes

Absolutely luv me some Caribs & Latinas! **** I'd eat Mahi Mahi right out of their hands!!! When mixed with rice beans have a lusty transition to the digestive tract! Them midwest girls don't eat rice.....can you imagine corn 'n beans? :onfire:
Whaaaat you don't deal with Chica's who eat rice n beans! Oh my friend that is a staple for Caribbean and Latin women. It's the 2nd best form of natural protein in their daily diet.

Go Canes

What’s first ?