Auburn Paid Players

New article alleging coverup of failed drug tests, and text messages uncovered of a parent worried about their kid being investigated for a stack of bills picture.

Make no mistake: ANY TIME you have seen a recruit with stacks of money (a la Clemson, Ole Miss, Auburn, etc), that kid was bought. Every SINGLE TIME. The parent even coached the kid to say it was from a family member selling a car LMFAO. Haven't we heard that one like ten times?

College football needs a complete overhaul. It's a disgrace.

Auburn also had a 2013 recruit, Jovon Robinson, who was bought a car by a booster and what happened? Nothing... The NCAA I believe ruled the kid ineligible and that was it. The SEC is playing with a payroll & they wonder why the SEC is dominating college football.

The NCAA ruled Robinson ineligible because his guidance counselor had one of his grade's changed in high school, not because of the car. Regarding the car, Robinson received a settlement because Memphis police shot and killed his father, and then planted evidence to make it seem like he came at them in a threatening manner. The settlement was for almost 3 million, and they settled for over a million which had to be divided between the father's children. So basically, AU may have bought the car, but the settlement money was a perfect cover. Either way, what you're saying in your post regarding the NCAA's lack of punishment is flat out wrong.

I didn't know that about his dad. Being a TN resident that doesn't shock me about Memphis at all. Sad story. I do remember the grade change now that you mention it. He's still ineligible & by the way im pretty sure i remember there being ties to AU with that guidance counselor.
Auburn also had a 2013 recruit, Jovon Robinson, who was bought a car by a booster and what happened? Nothing... The NCAA I believe ruled the kid ineligible and that was it. The SEC is playing with a payroll & they wonder why the SEC is dominating college football.

The NCAA ruled Robinson ineligible because his guidance counselor had one of his grade's changed in high school, not because of the car. Regarding the car, Robinson received a settlement because Memphis police shot and killed his father, and then planted evidence to make it seem like he came at them in a threatening manner. The settlement was for almost 3 million, and they settled for over a million which had to be divided between the father's children. So basically, AU may have bought the car, but the settlement money was a perfect cover. Either way, what you're saying in your post regarding the NCAA's lack of punishment is flat out wrong.

I didn't know that about his dad. Being a TN resident that doesn't shock me about Memphis at all. Sad story. I do remember the grade change now that you mention it. He's still ineligible & by the way im pretty sure i remember there being ties to AU with that guidance counselor.

The guidance counselor was an AU grad. Memphis is as grimey as it gets.
LOL @ that article. That woman is FOS and some of the quoted players have already come out and refuted the story. Now before you guys go bashing me and saying that I'm being all Baghdad Bob for my alma mater, let me say that I am in no way saying that AU doesn't cheat. As I've stated many times before, I believe that everyone cheats. With that said, as sophisticated as cheating has become nowadays, there's no way in **** Will Freakin Muschamp called a player into his office after a bad practice and gave him $400 cash. I mean, we've heard rumors of paying kids through church donations, paying kids by rigging slot machines, boosters hooking family members up with jobs, boosters having their own slush funds to pay players, etc and you want me to believe that the defensive coordinator gave a kid some cash after having a difficult day at practice? That's the type of elementary **** that got AU put on probation in the early 90's. Trust when I say the cheating efforts are much better than that. LOL

why would nfl players who have nothing to gain say things. Its seems easy to just hand out $400, no real proof then it goes kids word vs coach. How do you know that money didnt come from a booster. I dout it came right from Chumps pocket.