They weren't even ranked 2nd that year. THE U beat the number one undefeated maybe best offense ever in one of the greatest games ever played. Game was a classic, with both teams playing great and classy. No chump plays which changed winner. It was a heavyweight champ fight. Underdog surges to lead. Massive favorite comes back, but underdog does not fold. Canes regained lead only to have Huskers come back again. Battle to the end with no flute field return deciding the game. No bad call making the difference. A true great game between the old guard and the new wave. Compared to Auburn's sad little 9 -7 win over Michigan just does not compare. Pat Dye said it all the first game on the next year after the Canes beat his Tigers. "They brought menfolk with them." Dye and Osborne had class that no longer exist -- even Tom fell some by denying us THE SMOKE that year. Cornhuskers would have hung at least 35 on Auburn that year. Tigers scored a big 9, nine points. They would have been crushed by either Miami or Nebraska that year. That is why they were 3rd in the final polls.