Attended the Hurricane Lunch today with Coach Golden

Wants to recruit more "sons of Marines." Looks like you need to come up to North Carolina, Al. Plenty up here.

Cyber1491057 said:
Holy **** at Linder's bench numbers. He will show really well at the combine between that and his quick feet.

Fire Swasey...lulz

For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.
Cyber1491057 said:
Holy **** at Linder's bench numbers. He will show really well at the combine between that and his quick feet.

Fire Swasey...lulz

For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.

I doubt S&C coaching positions are as fluid as other positions. It's not like trading in your old car and getting a new one. He is at a good university where his kids will be able to go for free in a city he probably really likes. Most people wouldn't uproot their families for a marginally better job just because their boss is incompetent. In fact, maybe Swasey took a long term perspective, and had faith that someone better would be brought in.

The results under the old regime are concerning, but not necessarily indicative of his abilities, particularly with the S&C numbers we are starting to hear. Also, I have never heard anything negative about Swasey from former players, who would probably have a pretty good sense.
Cyber1491057 said:
Holy **** at Linder's bench numbers. He will show really well at the combine between that and his quick feet.

Fire Swasey...lulz

For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.

Absurd conclusion. Not everyone wants to pick up their family, and leave their house, friends and life that they've had for 10+ years. Not everyone has a mercenary mentality. Even when the going gets tough.
No one knows what really happened. Did AS slack off, and was allowed to do so by RS and LC, or did AS want to do something, and was overruled by the higher ups?!?
Cyber1491057 said:
Fire Swasey...lulz

For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.

Absurd conclusion. Not everyone wants to pick up their family, and leave their house, friends and life that they've had for 10+ years. Not everyone has a mercenary mentality. Even when the going gets tough.
so just to be clear, your view is AS is a great S&C coach and bears no responsibility for our S&C shortcomings under coker and shannon? Or are you saying he's a great S&C coach and our S&C program was great under coker and shannon? Or are you saying neither, in which case you're actually saying nothing whatsoever and just trying to flame for the heck of it?
He is merely countering your conclusion that if aw were a top s&c coach would have gone elsewhere by offering some other explanations for him staying...don't put words in his mouth...I don't think anyone thinks he is the best but it is strength and conditioning...swasey is a great motivator (second hand but what I have heard from players) but ultimately he does what coaches want
He is merely countering your conclusion that if aw were a top s&c coach would have gone elsewhere by offering some other explanations for him staying...don't put words in his mouth...I don't think anyone thinks he is the best but it is strength and conditioning...swasey is a great motivator (second hand but what I have heard from players) but ultimately he does what coaches want

oh great the nit picking semantic crew is out in force. Has he even been attempted to be poached away? How many of our staff have been poached by Alabama alone, and they haven't exactly been miracle workers at UM. It's possible Swasey just doesn't want to leave UM, but tossing that around like it's meaningful is BS unless you know he's been approached with better offers.

Anyhow, since no one seems to be willing to say he's somehow great and not at least partly responsible for years of bad S&C, this whole exchange seems to be a waste of time. It's enough to observe that our S&C was subpar under Coker and Shannon, and he ran it, and either he's dinged with that, or if he isn't, then he's apparently the type of 'professional' that will quietly go about doing a mediocre job with his hands tied behind his back without looking for somewhere else to ply his trade. For a year or three, that might be understandable. When you do that (if that's what happened) for the better part of a decade, it becomes a commentary on you, at some point.
Swasey is kind of baffling. I'll go with this though: Al Golden came in and kept him. That's good enough for me..........
Doesn't seem like there were any repercussions under Coker or Shannon if players didn't put in work in the weight room. No one lost their job because they weren't working hard off the field, but they do now under Golden. I have no idea why there was never a nutrition program. It seems like that should have been in place years ago.
Cyber1491057 said:
For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.

Absurd conclusion. Not everyone wants to pick up their family, and leave their house, friends and life that they've had for 10+ years. Not everyone has a mercenary mentality. Even when the going gets tough.
so just to be clear, your view is AS is a great S&C coach and bears no responsibility for our S&C shortcomings under coker and shannon? Or are you saying he's a great S&C coach and our S&C program was great under coker and shannon? Or are you saying neither, in which case you're actually saying nothing whatsoever and just trying to flame for the heck of it?

Not flaming, just pointing out that your reasoning and conclusions are baseless and absurd for the very reasons I mentioned. It's not about you, it's about your content. Don't be so sensitive.

Again, what you wrote is a failed argument: "If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker."

I didn't even get into his S&C abilities. Just that you presented failed and assumptive logic. Read my original post again.
Holy **** at Linder's bench numbers. He will show really well at the combine between that and his quick feet.

Fire Swasey...lulz

For the record, I'm a Swasey supporter...

However, I'm still conflicted about how a competent S&C coach could let the program slide as much as it did. For example, you hear Golden talk about how few guys could rep 225 20+ and 30+ times before he arrived and what they are doing now. No solid nutrition plan, guys like Luther Robinson and Seantrel displaying **** poor effort, etc. Being part of the S&C trade, the coach would have to know what other schools' strength numbers look like and how inadequate and unacceptable our were under Shannon/Swasey. I don't know...would love to hear what Golden's real thoughts were upon his arrival.

What's that saying? 'The fish stinks from the head down?'

This could really be an indictment of who was in charge of the previous two regimes( Coker and Corch)

Shannon had LBs saying they didn't need to lift weights. Golden kept Swasey, and kids are doing great now. I think we all know what went wrong.

Thanks Randy

glenn cook
Try explaining that to the 10+ NFL players that come back every offseason to workout with Swasey! Gimme a break! When you are not given the latitude to do what you know is right, then the team suffers. When you have the opportunity and leadership backing to make it right and you DO JUST THAT, then obviously it isn't all on the person but maybe....just maybe it was the environment that was breed to under succeed! Swasey is cool in my book and as conditioned as I have seen our team in the last year has solidified my faith in him. I can care less what happen two to three years ago. We can get any of those games back so move on.
If he were any good, he would have gone elsewhere after seeing what was happening under Shancoker.

He may be capable when directed by a good HC who lays out the program for him, but to say he's particularly good seems ridiculous after what happened under the prior two regimes.
Im with bomb on this one.

My guess is that coach Swasey saw the writing on the wall with coker and randy and simply decided to go into corporate survival mode. Hept kept working with the Pro-Canes who would come back in the off-season and did what he could for the guys who were under the reduced expectations of the (then) current administration.