Attendance for Saturday's Game


Nov 18, 2011
Storm Surge and the Athletic Department are making a big push to get students out for tomorrow's game -- tweets from Dewan, t-shirt giveaway, free breakfast, etc. Hope it works, as it would be fantastic to see a packed student section for such an important game, as well as to honor Newton on Senior Day.

Not sure why, based on our recent student attendance, but I'm cautiously optimistic that the undergrads show up.
Yeah I'd hope that the students and fans would come out for this game and to honor Newton. Especially with what he just did last game! I know if I was a student and/or I lived near or in Miami I would be at every game possible. But I live in CT and have never made it to a game. It's a shame the seats aren't always packed. This teams been good for years now.
Don't hold your breath. We have one of the least supportive student bodies in all of major college sports. There's also over 1,300 cheap tickets available on stubhub, so I'm not sure the "paying crowd" will be great either. Hope I'm wrong, but our fanbase consistently disappoints me.
They're bribing the students with a free IHOP breakfast and a T Shirt. Sad state of affairs when you have to go begging like that. The on-campus arena was supposed to "solve" this problem.

We had 11,000 (or more) against UConn and St John's when we played downtown in the Big East days. Some of these Watsco crowds are no bigger than we had in the 60s over on Miami Beach in the Aud and CC (terrible sight lines for hoops, and a long way from campus)!
Don't hold your breath. We have one of the least supportive student bodies in all of major college sports. There's also over 1,300 cheap tickets available on stubhub, so I'm not sure the "paying crowd" will be great either. Hope I'm wrong, but our fanbase consistently disappoints me.
It's pretty crazy considering how close the dorms are. I went to every single game as a freshman, and still went to most when I lived off campus.
Storm Surge and the Athletic Department are making a big push to get students out for tomorrow's game -- tweets from Dewan, t-shirt giveaway, free breakfast, etc. Hope it works, as it would be fantastic to see a packed student section for such an important game, as well as to honor Newton on Senior Day.

Not sure why, based on our recent student attendance, but I'm cautiously optimistic that the undergrads show up.
Also, realistically the last chance to see Lonnie Walker at home in a Canes uniform. I'm hoping the win against UNC will spur at least a decent student crowd.
78 and sunny at noon tomorrow. 3rd straight Saturday afternoon home game. I have been to the last 2 and will be there tomorrow but I hate sat afternoon games down here in February
It's pretty crazy considering how close the dorms are. I went to every single game as a freshman, and still went to most when I lived off campus.

It is pathetic. We always went. I think the only games that we missed were when the school was closed and we went home (i.e. winter break) or maybe some other unusual circumstance.
Attending and graduating from UM in the "Sun Tan U" days, I have this current image of Miami students as a bunch of grinds and nerds. Great for the university's academic ranking, not so much for attendance at athletic events. I'm sure someone (or two or three) will make me feel better by telling me how wrong I am. Please!!!
Attending and graduating from UM in the "Sun Tan U" days, I have this current image of Miami students as a bunch of grinds and nerds. Great for the university's academic ranking, not so much for attendance at athletic events. I'm sure someone (or two or three) will make me feel better by telling me how wrong I am. Please!!!

I graduated in 14 and yes there are a lot of nerds now, but tons of basketball fans(mainly NBA fans though). The thing is when we are consistently ranked everyone is talking about the basketball team on campus, wearing the basketball jerseys, etc. When we are unranked or hovering around the 20s(ranked one week, then drop out, then ranked again, etc.) The buzz is gone. I remember the 12-13 season. Everyone was talking about how Miami is turning into a basketball school. L is going to get us a ship. etc. etc. The very next season when we we went 17-16. As soon as Football lost to Va tech. Everyone was going crazy about they cant wait for the basketball season and all that. That quickly stopped after we lost to St. Francis. Once we lost to UCF I didn't hear a peep about the basketball program the rest of that season. If we can get ranked early and stay ranked we will pack the stadium for every game.
LOL I brought my Mom (73 year old alumn) to the Pitt game two years ago (we won on a tip in at the buzzer). We parked at Titanic and walked the long way (north then East through frat row). She kept asking students why they weren't going to the game. Stadium was empty. Seemed like the U has a **** of a lot more weird foreign, and feminine SJW students nowadays.
They're bribing the students with a free IHOP breakfast and a T Shirt. Sad state of affairs when you have to go begging like that. The on-campus arena was supposed to "solve" this problem.

We had 11,000 (or more) against UConn and St John's when we played downtown in the Big East days. Some of these Watsco crowds are no bigger than we had in the 60s over on Miami Beach in the Aud and CC (terrible sight lines for hoops, and a long way from campus)!
The UM football team was built with tons of discounts on Canes football. They believed in Schnellenberger. It would be nice if a Miami company would invest in the community now.
LOL I brought my Mom (73 year old alumn) to the Pitt game two years ago (we won on a tip in at the buzzer). We parked at Titanic and walked the long way (north then East through frat row). She kept asking students why they weren't going to the game. Stadium was empty. Seemed like the U has a **** of a lot more weird foreign, and feminine SJW students nowadays.

LMAO there where a ton of those type of students when I was there. There where alot of kids from the north east down to Maryland that are big NBA fans/played HS basketball. Even at the Wellness center there would be some pretty good pickup games. The frat league sucked besides Pike, but the kids that would just hang out and ball at the WV where pretty good.
It is pathetic. We always went. I think the only games that we missed were when the school was closed and we went home (i.e. winter break) or maybe some other unusual circumstance.
Yeah the only things that generally stopped me were studying for a test or class itself. I actually had one late class that precluded me from going to that huge Duke upset where we throttled them. I would have skipped it but we had a quiz.
Pike ruled the intramural leagues in the 60s too. Guess some things never change.

As for the academic standards (I'd never be admitted today, based on my HS grades), That was tongue in cheek. I'm proud of where UM has come since the 60s when anyone with a pulse was admitted (they badly needed the $$ to build).
Does anyone know the age limit you need to buy a ticket for a child? I know football is over 2.
I'm beyond ashamed that students require this much *** kissing to show up. I suffered through the Haith era during undergrad(The only home games I ever missed were due to me going home to Texas for the holidays), and only got L for grad and law school. I would have killed to have L as coach during my undergrad years, would have saved me a lot of frustration.