2023 ATH Robby Washington; Killian HS

What drama? A competent staff will gauge a kid's seriousness and have contingency plans. The only "drama" will be here and on social media.
There isn’t any need for contingency plans at WR for this class, especially not for his recruitment. If he comes he comes. His Mom actions have no bearing on the competence of the staff.

There isn’t any need for contingency plans at WR for this class, especially not for his recruitment. If he comes he comes. His Mom actions have no bearing on the competence of the staff.
Then what drama are you referring to?
Did you call the police or notify your local congressman?
permit patty calling the police GIF
Since he’s not responding like you want, he’s a head case. That’s wild. Y’all are entitled for no reason. It’s really sad. You have nothing against the kid but you call him a “head case?”

I agree with the sentiment here, but here's some news for everyone on what a lot of recruits are.

They're headcases.

They're entitled. They're big headed as ****. They think they've made it already. In their mind, their **** doesn't stink.

It isn't all their fault. You've got grown *** men up your *** 24/7 trying to get you to come to their schools. Everyone around you is telling how great you are. These people don't know you, but want to latch on, you're somewhat of a big deal. People you don't know have opinions on you, call you names, a diva, etc.

That's tough for grown *** adults to handle, let alone kids in high school.
I don’t care if he is a “headcase” he’s one of the best athletes in the entire class and one of the most underrated players in the rankings. It’s criminal that he’s not a top100 consensus recruit. Do whatever we gotta do to get him.

I hold my reservations on calling kids headcases but I agree with your sentiments. Just get the kid, plus it’s not like the coaches are angels either. It’s a dirty game with questionable characters anyway. Just get the best players
Kid changes his mind every day, the diva is strong in this one
Does he? And is it? Or does he just show respect on SM for wherever he’s visiting to be respectful to the folks that are rolling out the red carpet for him on the particular visit he’s on at the moment?

I can’t believe how easily y’all get shook. He posted about FAU when he rolled through for gods sake.

Y’all need to chill. We probably lead. Don’t scare the bunny with all your malignant negativity.