**Ask Standish Dobard**

Favorite place to eat in LA and favorite food your mom makes?

When did Miami start recruiting you and did you ever think about taking other visits after committing? If not why?

Who do you compare your style of play to?

Have you ever killed a gator with your bare hands? If so, did you eat it?
Favorite hot sauce?
Favorite color?
Pick a number between 1-100(Correct answer is 37)
Blondes, brunettes, or soulless gingers?
Commits he talks to?
Recruits he talks to?
Goals for freshman year?
Fav. UM moment?
Fav. UM TE?

Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?
Better feeling: TD catch, or decleating crackback to sping a big play?

Who are you looking forward to going against in practice? (specific player or position LB's/S's)
Please please ask him the horse/duck question. This should be asked to ALL recruits.
WTH better be in this I requested a Standish WTH interview right after the carter podcast and dammit I want it
serious question, which TE was his favorite from the U? Olsen, Franks, KW, JG, Shockey, Chase Ford?

goon question, oatmeal pies or zebra cakes?
I'm doing this one. I'm going by Ti-to Di-nero as my alias to all recruits.
What part of your game do you consider your biggest strength?

What part of your game do you consider your biggest weakness/want to improve on the most?

What is your current size?
Please no FMK questions, I was embarrassed myself listening to Jamal Carter attempt to answer that question.

What TE, NFL or ex-cane, does he compare his playing style to?

How different or similar will life in Coral Gables and Miami be compared to where he grew up?