Article: the-ncaa-is-even-more-evil-than-you-think


Head Meshuggah
Nov 3, 2011

The NCAA Is Even More Evil Than You Think
By Jonathan Mahler Dec 19, 2013 5:27 PM ET 3 Comments Email Print

The University of Washington in Seattle. Photograph by Ted S. Warren/AP Photo
Even for the NCAA, this one is a little hard to believe: The University of Southern California and the University of Washington are investigating whether an assistant football coach helped a potential recruit pay for private tutoring and some online classes. The coach’s alleged transgressions are laid out in the Los Angeles Times, which seems to be under the impression that it has uncovered a major scandal.

The story is a bit convoluted -- hey, Watergate was pretty complicated, too -- but here’s the short version: Last year, Tosh Lupoi, the defensive line coach at Washington, was recruiting a high school lineman named Andrew Basham. Unfortunately, Basham’s academic record wasn’t quite up to snuff, so Lupoi volunteered to help him. Not, say, by bribing someone to raise his scores, or by hiring someone to take his tests for him, but by covering the costs of his SAT tutoring.

Basham’s track coach, Mike Davis, evidently served as the go-between between Lupoi and Basham. According to the Times, Lupoi tucked a brown bag full of cash into a restaurant booth for Davis. The money went straight into Davis’s bank account to cover a $2,999 credit-card charge to, yes, Kaplan Test Prep. Busted!

NCAA rules, of course, prohibit such corruption: Facilitating an athlete’s efforts to gain admission to college by the same means used routinely by upper-middle-class students is an egregious breach of the NCAA's standard exploitation.

We’ll see what the investigations yield, but if Lupoi is “guilty” -- not of breaking laws, mind you, but of violating the NCAA’s ironclad recruiting rules -- you can count on the NCAA to pull no punches. Excess education will simply not be tolerated in college sports. Just ask the University of Nebraska, which was punished a few years ago for giving athletes $28,000 worth of textbooks and other school supplies.

The Lupoi "scandal" is especially rich because it’s breaking during the same week in which a number of college presidents, athletic directors and conference chairmen filed declarations in O’Bannon v. NCAA. These are some pretty hilarious documents, provided you find hypocrisy amusing. Their presumed purpose is to enumerate the ways in which paying student-athletes would be detrimental to universities. What they mainly do is make their authors sound ridiculous.

One of my favorites is from Ken Starr, the president of Baylor University. Apparently, President Bill Clinton's former tormenter is now some kind of radical egalitarian:

“Based on my experience in higher education and my observation and knowledge of educational institutions in the conduct of their athletic-decision making and competitive activities, paying student-athletes in men's basketball and football would have a corrosive effect on University culture at Baylor and elsewhere, would be demoralizing to numerous other students, and would create an elitist group of paid athletes whose separateness from other students could interfere with their relationships with other students and faculty.”

In other words, rewarding the work of people with special skills “demoralizes” those who lack such skills.

How about this from Mike Slive, chairman of the Southeastern Conference:

“In my opinion, it would be unfair and inappropriate to take a portion of this funding away from other sports in order to pay football and men's basketball players for participating in televised games just because they happen to participate in a sport in American culture that audiences are willing to pay more to watch and that broadcasters will pay more to broadcast.”

Okay, Mike, if that’s the case, why don’t you share some of the $1.6 million in salary you made last year -- courtesy of the SEC’s powerful appeal to broadcasters -- with the commissioner of the Great West Conference?

Stanford’s athletic director, Bernard Muir, had this to say:

“In my opinion, support and camaraderie fostered in the Stanford culture greatly enhance the student-athlete experience and this culture will be dealt a serious blow if football and men's basketball student-athletes are paid. I believe it would be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain the type of cross-sport support and camaraderie with the type of caste system that would be created if some student athletes are paid.”

The only way to avoid this horrific caste system, clearly, is for Stanford to keep all the football and basketball revenue for itself.

Muir continues:

“Consequently, the field hockey, fencing or water polo teams contribute to the overall success of the Stanford Athletics in different, but no less important ways than football and basketball. And, these sports provide opportunities to student-athletes from much more diverse economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds than the revenue generating sports.”

I’m not sure you’ve looked at a photograph of your fencing or water polo teams recently, Bernie, but, at a glance, they don’t appear to be more “diverse” than Stanford’s football or basketball teams.

A recurring theme of these declarations is that the universities are committed, foremost, to educating their student-athletes. Really? Then why on earth is it against the rules to help a high school football player get into college? You’ve heard of destroying a village in order to save it. I guess the NCAA is punishing efforts to educate athletes in order to educate them.

(Jonathan Mahler is a columnist for Bloomberg View. Follow him on Twitter.)
can't tell what the author is getting at by posting this. is he saying that the NCAA shouldn't have punished Lupoi?

He clearly gave $3,000 to a player to help recruit Basham to his school(yes it went to an SAT score, but do other prospective high school students get that same $3,000 to help get to college?)
can't tell what the author is getting at by posting this. is he saying that the NCAA shouldn't have punished Lupoi?

He clearly gave $3,000 to a player to help recruit Basham to his school(yes it went to an SAT score, but do other prospective high school students get that same $3,000 to help get to college?)

He's saying the NCAA is corrupt and hypocritical.
Is the author suggesting that Lupoi only tossed around brown bags full of cash for SAT-prep?

Because what are the odds that's the case?

I hate me some NCAA, but this is pretty weak.
He's trying to Spin the blame on the NCAA - challenging the spirit of the rule...

NCAA doesn't care.. The dude broke a written rule, period. He's about to get a show cause...

See ya in about a year..

Thanks for posting this, Spike.

I heard a radio piece on this while driving yesterday. I thought the same thing; The NCAA is an evil institution. The fact that they have no programs in place that allow for anything along these lines is part of why they are so evil.

The NCAA is totally okay with an arms race where some universities can offer coaches so much money that they are willing to leave high level BCS jobs like those at U-Dub, Wisconsin, Tennessee, to take jobs at Alabama, USC, Texas, ohio state, etc. Knowing that those arms races come with expectations that likely cannot be met within the NCAA guidelines but yet they have a total problem with kids getting ANYTHING beside tuition, books, room and board.

Sorry, these ****ers are sick and evil. The NCAA is among the most communist organizations in the world today. Kids are forced to sell their soul just for the chance of playing college ball while everyone else in that food chain is allowed to do whateve they want.
Lame, lame article and a terrible effort to point to the NCAA as the bad guy. When this writer can show me that Lupoi was also helping non-football-playing students get into college, then I'll have a little bit of sympathy.
The fact that they have no programs in place that allow for anything along these lines is part of why they are so evil.

There are countless ways for struggling students to get help to be able to attend college without having assistant coaches drop off bags of cash.
Let's imagine it this way:

Say LSU or Auburn or FSU swoops in at the last moment and paid for a tutor to get Derrick Griffin qualified. And then he commits to said school, saying "well I'm a Cane at heart but LSU showed me something in the end"......I doubt a single fan here would be saying "good for them for helping a kid learn!"
The ncaa is the evil spawn of Satan and needs to be slammed into the nether world for all eternity for destroying anything that was within reach, good or bad. This is what happens when you put Mr. Hair Club EmEmEmemerrttttttt in charge.
Lame, lame article and a terrible effort to point to the NCAA as the bad guy. When this writer can show me that Lupoi was also helping non-football-playing students get into college, then I'll have a little bit of sympathy.

I dont agree with other posters calling you a moron, but I will say this is a very moronic post. You have no knowledge whereof you speak in this area.

For your statement to be true, every entity out there that exists to help non-athlete kids must show they've also helped an equal number of athlete kids or they too are in the wrong. Oh wait, tell me again why this is wrong to begin with?? Oh yeah, because the NCAA forbids young athletes from getting assistance if they cant afford it.

You see, the NCAA and their member institutions are totally okay with a kid who's on a music scholarship making extra money gigging in a band or teaching music lessons to middle schoolers at a local music for side cash. They're also totally okay with kids on academic scholarship earning extra money from the university as a TA, or making side money tutoring kids but god forbid an athlete be allowed to make money off their athletic talents, for THAT is worthy of them losing their amateur status (even though the dream team played in the olympics in 1992). They're not allowed to teach at clinics for side money. They're not allowed to profit from their own name. ****, Johnny Manzel got investigated FOR SIGNING HIS OWN **** NAME. Im sure he owned that name before he went to college.

Again, the NCAA is a communist organization that extorts young athletes and keep ALL of the profits while subjugating every aspect of their lives. This article simply illustrates how far they're willing to go to maintain their communistic grip over these young men and women.
Lame, lame article and a terrible effort to point to the NCAA as the bad guy. When this writer can show me that Lupoi was also helping non-football-playing students get into college, then I'll have a little bit of sympathy.

I dont agree with other posters calling you a moron, but I will say this is a very moronic post. You have no knowledge whereof you speak in this area.

For your statement to be true, every entity out there that exists to help non-athlete kids must show they've also helped an equal number of athlete kids or they too are in the wrong. Oh wait, tell me again why this is wrong to begin with?? Oh yeah, because the NCAA forbids young athletes from getting assistance if they cant afford it.

You see, the NCAA and their member institutions are totally okay with a kid who's on a music scholarship making extra money gigging in a band or teaching music lessons to middle schoolers at a local music for side cash. They're also totally okay with kids on academic scholarship earning extra money from the university as a TA, or making side money tutoring kids but god forbid an athlete be allowed to make money off their athletic talents, for THAT is worthy of them losing their amateur status (even though the dream team played in the olympics in 1992). They're not allowed to teach at clinics for side money. They're not allowed to profit from their own name. ****, Johnny Manzel got investigated FOR SIGNING HIS OWN **** NAME. Im sure he owned that name before he went to college.

Again, the NCAA is a communist organization that extorts young athletes and keep ALL of the profits while subjugating every aspect of their lives. This article simply illustrates how far they're willing to go to maintain their communistic grip over these young men and women.

But you're mixing up the issues here. I agree wholeheartedly that it wasn't fair that I was able to get a job while at UM but the football players living in Pearson right down the hall from me couldn't. But that's not the issue.

This situation involves a school singling out a prospective athlete and using its unlimited funds to get that kid eligible to play football for them. If you think that the school did that because they were concerned about the kid's welfare, then we can stop now, because we will never agree on this. That's why I made that post. Is the University of Washington paying for SAT courses for other high school kids who can't afford it by dropping off sacks of cash with the kids' guidance counselors? If not, then this was entirely a recruiting tactic. And it is clearly illegal, as it should be.

A private school in my area had a "minority achievement program" in which local kids who could never afford the school were given an opportunity to go for free. Very noble cause. Problem was, all of the recipients just happened to run 4.5 40's, if you catch my drift. The FHSAA **** near shut down the whole program because of it. That's what we're dealing with in this case. UW isn't some innocent party trying to help underpriviliged kids, they used cash to gain an advantage on the football field.
Lame, lame article and a terrible effort to point to the NCAA as the bad guy. When this writer can show me that Lupoi was also helping non-football-playing students get into college, then I'll have a little bit of sympathy.

I dont agree with other posters calling you a moron, but I will say this is a very moronic post. You have no knowledge whereof you speak in this area.

For your statement to be true, every entity out there that exists to help non-athlete kids must show they've also helped an equal number of athlete kids or they too are in the wrong. Oh wait, tell me again why this is wrong to begin with?? Oh yeah, because the NCAA forbids young athletes from getting assistance if they cant afford it.

You see, the NCAA and their member institutions are totally okay with a kid who's on a music scholarship making extra money gigging in a band or teaching music lessons to middle schoolers at a local music for side cash. They're also totally okay with kids on academic scholarship earning extra money from the university as a TA, or making side money tutoring kids but god forbid an athlete be allowed to make money off their athletic talents, for THAT is worthy of them losing their amateur status (even though the dream team played in the olympics in 1992). They're not allowed to teach at clinics for side money. They're not allowed to profit from their own name. ****, Johnny Manzel got investigated FOR SIGNING HIS OWN **** NAME. Im sure he owned that name before he went to college.

Again, the NCAA is a communist organization that extorts young athletes and keep ALL of the profits while subjugating every aspect of their lives. This article simply illustrates how far they're willing to go to maintain their communistic grip over these young men and women.

It's a contract that student athletes sign with the NCAA. Member institutions and prospective student athletes freely enter that contract. You must not believe in contracts.

If member institutions, coaches, student athletes don't appreciate the rules the NCAA has.......they are free to do whatever they choose. Start a minor league, work out on your own, do whatever you like.