Article: Recruiting Upate 12-9

Shodell on Canesport spoke with AQM and was told by him to call back tomorrow night.
anything on your end pete about wrs...alot of cunningham speculation, and coley visiting...overloading or just waiting for one or another or both?

Cunningham does not have a committable offer. I'm trying to get in contact with Coley's coach Donnell Bennett, but I continue to hear that Miami is in a muchhhh better spot with Coley than they have ever been.

whats the dealio with AJL

at this point, I don't think he will be in this class
Man, Kehoe has a major erection for Sonny Odogwu. He was after him hard last year when no one else he's back on him? God ****, Kehoe.
not clear enough for you? im sure its over your head, but sice your cane fans, picture me rollin
anything on your end pete about wrs...alot of cunningham speculation, and coley visiting...overloading or just waiting for one or another or both?

Cunningham does not have a committable offer. I'm trying to get in contact with Coley's coach Donnell Bennett, but I continue to hear that Miami is in a muchhhh better spot with Coley than they have ever been.

whats the dealio with AJL

at this point, I don't think he will be in this class

Weren't we after some 6'10 or 11 OT last year as well from Florida or this Sonny Odogwu that guy?
anything on your end pete about wrs...alot of cunningham speculation, and coley visiting...overloading or just waiting for one or another or both?

Cunningham does not have a committable offer. I'm trying to get in contact with Coley's coach Donnell Bennett, but I continue to hear that Miami is in a muchhhh better spot with Coley than they have ever been.

whats the dealio with AJL

at this point, I don't think he will be in this class

**** that sucks.. I was really looking forward to watching this kid play in orange and green..
I'm becoming very worried about OL/DL, you know, the positions where games are won.
Any word on Coley?

anything on your end pete about wrs...alot of cunningham speculation, and coley visiting...overloading or just waiting for one or another or both?

Cunningham does not have a committable offer. I'm trying to get in contact with Coley's coach Donnell Bennett, but I continue to hear that Miami is in a muchhhh better spot with Coley than they have ever been.

Actually reading the thread helps
I think we have been in a good spot for Coley for a long time, but the ball was basically in his court as far as what he needed to take care of.
I don't understand concern on the OL. DL obviously needs work, but there are two months left. Every year right around this time there is a meltdown on the recruiting boards. Can almost set your watch by it. One bad week does not a program make.
OL should be fine with a combination of Gall, Knighton, Outlaw, Kirkland, etc

Can't say I'm not concerned about the DL though. We'll see.