Article: 2014 FSU Commit "Miami is Dominant"

you probably shouldn't headline the article with a quote he didn't even say (he said a derivative of which insinuated something very different from the headline)

He implied that we were a dominant recruiting team last year, pulling really good players from Dade and Broward--which is true. He didn't talk about the Miami Hurricanes being a dominant team in CFB, which the headline insinuates.

I've said I could write better articles than the Herald, and now I'm starting to think I could at least come up w/better headlines than this one on CIS.

Do it then. Write an article and post it for us to critique it.

This is a free site and IMO better than 247, Rivals, Scout, Shadow's, AATU, Real Cane Talk, or any other site I didnt mention. ****, info from this site is posted as insider info on other sites, allegedly.

All this site needs is someone like FSUWho or Litee3000, then we'd be set.

Do it then. Write an article and post it for us to critique it.

This is a free site and IMO better than 247, Rivals, Scout, Shadow's, AATU, Real Cane Talk, or any other site I didnt mention. ****, info from this site is posted as insider info on other sites, allegedly.

All this site needs is someone like FSUWho or Litee3000, then we'd be set.
His article's a good article in and of itself. It's the headline I have an issue with. Gary Ferman did the same thing, and all I could do was shake my head. Tito can do better than Ferman, I know that just from the substance of the article and the fact that every other word isn't misspelled.

I'm coming from a POV of someone who once did an interview for another FREE site with Kayne Farquharson about coming to Miami, and mentioned that he wasn't an early enrollee because he was attending Dade County Community College. I got at least 15 e-mails correcting me on that, because he was attending Miami Dade College. I messed up the name, wrote a revision on the article, and said thanks for the feedback like I was supposed to do. Problem solved. I didn't get butthurt and start acting all hard telling those w/feedback to "slow their roll".

I tell Tito he needs to change his headline because it's misleading and doesn't represent the substance of the article well, and I get told to "Slow my Roll", like he's going to fly up to VA and kick my butt.

Now...which person in those two situations handled their mistake as a journalist the better way? I'll give you 3 guesses, and hint: it wasn't Tito.

I'll do some work for him: 2014 FSU Commit: "Miami Can Flip Me". MUCH better headline, and it still catches positive Canes attention...and it's a direct quote from the article not taken out of context...which means it's not going to mislead anyone--and most importantly, it doesn't misrepresent McCrary and what he said in the interview.
you probably shouldn't headline the article with a quote he didn't even say (he said a derivative of which insinuated something very different from the headline)

He implied that we were a dominant recruiting team last year, pulling really good players from Dade and Broward--which is true. He didn't talk about the Miami Hurricanes being a dominant team in CFB, which the headline insinuates.

I've said I could write better articles than the Herald, and now I'm starting to think I could at least come up w/better headlines than this one on CIS.

Do it then. Write an article and post it for us to critique it.

This is a free site and IMO better than 247, Rivals, Scout, Shadow's, AATU, Real Cane Talk, or any other site I didnt mention. ****, info from this site is posted as insider info on other sites, allegedly.

All this site needs is someone like FSUWho or Litee3000, then we'd be set.

Canesport went into the crapper after guys like Who and Litee were sent packing.
Sounds like you should have sent him a pm and given him some of your journalistic advice rather than complaining publicly like a hungry little fat girl.

Thanks for the article Tito
Some people will never be satisfied. Thank you guys all do a great job, and I commend you for the info you give us at NO COST. The title was an attempt to draw people to read it, and it worked. If you got fooled into thinking it was referring to being dominant on the field, then the egg is on your face. Don't be a sore loser. I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
Slow your roll
Write better, non-misleading headlines, and you've got a deal.

FYI--I've written articles at another Canes site, so I'm not just some oaf in the peanut gallery taking potshots.

Thank you for the feedback. If you feel like you can write better headlines and articles, please feel free to submit them. I look forward to your work.
Slow your roll
Write better, non-misleading headlines, and you've got a deal.

FYI--I've written articles at another Canes site, so I'm not just some oaf in the peanut gallery taking potshots.

Thank you for the feedback. If you feel like you can write better headlines and articles, please feel free to submit them. I look forward to your work.
Honestly Lu--I'd love to write articles for this site, and I think VinnDogg said he would tell you as much. I simply don't know how much time I will have to do that nowadays w/the way work is going.

If I ever decide/get the free time to write something, I'll be sure to let you know. My comments to Tito regarding his headline weren't meant in a mean-spirited way, more of a constructive criticism than anything b/c I've been there. Hopefully that's how he and everyone else takes it.

I just want this site to be good, and the headline was terrible, which is why I called it out. Tito's talented and has the connections to get interviews, no doubt, and I appreciate his coverage...I just don't want him to make the mistake of writing a headline like this one again, because it doesn't make CIS look good, in my opinion.
Slow your roll
Write better, non-misleading headlines, and you've got a deal.

FYI--I've written articles at another Canes site, so I'm not just some oaf in the peanut gallery taking potshots.

Thank you for the feedback. If you feel like you can write better headlines and articles, please feel free to submit them. I look forward to your work.
Honestly Lu--I'd love to write articles for this site, and I think VinnDogg said he would tell you as much. I simply don't know how much time I will have to do that nowadays w/the way work is going.

If I ever decide/get the free time to write something, I'll be sure to let you know. My comments to Tito regarding his headline weren't meant in a mean-spirited way, more of a constructive criticism than anything b/c I've been there. Hopefully that's how he and everyone else takes it.

I just want this site to be good, and the headline was terrible, which is why I called it out. Tito's talented and has the connections to get interviews, no doubt, and I appreciate his coverage...I just don't want him to make the mistake of writing a headline like this one again, because it doesn't make CIS look good, in my opinion.

I realize that and you may very well mean extremely well. There's just a point where it becomes unnecessarily antagonistic, and that point may have been when you said "I feel I can write better headlines than CIS." At that point, Tito responded. This site, like every human using it, is a work in progress. The contributors here really do some amazing work considering they do not get paid and do it for the straight love of the community. There aren't any ulterior motives and we're not duping people into paying 9.95/month for bogus rumors and general ****-stirring. As such, while your feedback is not only welcomed but actually encouraged, I feel obligated to step into a scenario where the approach may be interpreted as a slight attack.

I agree the headline could use some editing, and your suggestion that Tito should consider the focus to be the "flip comment is probably all that was needed. If you do wish to submit whatever articles or opinion pieces, we happily encourage it. You can do them on your own time and to whatever degree you wish.
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Lol at people complaining about how articles are written, how much did you pay for this information again?
This is what PMs should be used for on this site. Roasting a guy that happens to be doing all of us a favor is not the way.
This site needs a serious upgrade in recruiting writers.

We have the best and most comprehensive recruiting coverage there is, from the class of 2013 to 2016. The board is doing so well even Noles spend their entire days on it.

Keep up the great work, Tito.

Misleading titles only irk me when they're on subscription sites (i.e., you've got to shell out the $9.95 to see what's actually up). In this case, all you had to do was read a paragraph to find out what was afoot. Anyways, good info.