2024 Artavius Jones 4* DT from Blountstown FL

What'd I miss? I golfed and got drunk yesterday.
Announcing Bill Murray GIF
That's an interesting tidbit. He's probably happy for how it turned out now.

Of course, but I get where he’s coming from, too. I mean he was a star in a hood classic movie “Menace II Society” & here he is in a low key budgeted, hood movie & he gets a cameo appearance? Lol. That little line made him an instant classic, on accident. Lol
Are you kidding me right now? There’s more positive post and celebratory booty or regular gifs every time a positive article is posted. I’ve even joined in on the celebration. The amount completely out numbers the post of skepticism. There’s more top kids that are committing during the Summer than ever before because the window has moved up and they’re sticking to their commitments at an 80% rate. There’s a reason to be concerned. You prefer to be more optimistic and remain positive no matter what’s going on around you. I prefer to be a little more realistic and notice things are not going that well. However, you’re welcome to ignore if you like.
You think you’re “realistic”

You’re not. I can’t convince you of that because that’s just the thing about people that are too far up their own asses. You can’t see what’s in front of you

The majority of people here are actually approaching this very realistically, it’s people like you that are the ones being laughed at you just don’t realize it

But keep hiding behind this “IM REALISTIC” nonsense

the only person you’re actually fooling is yourself
Someone should count how many posts there are *****ing about other people supposedly *****ing.

People who constantly complain about other people complaining have to be the most unaware dip****s on the entire board.

*and yeah I'm *****ing about people *****ing about people *****ing, but just one time.
Of course, but I get where he’s coming from, too. I mean he was a star in a hood classic movie “Menace II Society” & here he is in a low key budgeted, hood movie & he gets a cameo appearance? Lol. That little line made him an instant classic, on accident. Lol

Yeah, I always wondered what happened to him. I thought he did a good job in Menace.
Someone should count how many posts there are *****ing about other people supposedly *****ing.

People who constantly complain about other people complaining have to be the most unaware dip****s on the entire board.

*and yeah I'm *****ing about people *****ing about people *****ing, but just one time.
I’m reporting your post and this post I’m making right now and any future posts in this thread

I personally don’t care if people ***** or not it’s when they make up lies to excuse it I draw the line. But that’s just me
That’s one way to look at it. The other way is that it’s like fishing or a hunt. Once a player is committed the hunt is over, unless of course he tries to get away and it is renewed again like in this case. I’m not saying that some lean into the negativity just that unsettled and open recruitments will always have more activity.
The bass never get away from me
i'm convinced there's only about 25 actual Cane fans in here...
why y'all continue not to let kids live their best lives is beyond me..

Nah, it’s not that. I think there is a bit of ground’s hog day that happens here, though. Red Flags show themselves, and red flags r strictly a warning, nothing more or less. Some fans over exaggerate these warnings, while others pretend like there’s nothing to be worried about. Each cycle, either those warning signs come to fruition or it’s a false alarm. Either way, it should be heeded.

There might be nothing that comes from this & that’s my mindset, however I’ve seen enough Cormani’s, Rudolph’s, Rashada’s, Burton’s, Fleming’s, Robinson’s, Henderson’s, Bryant’s in my lifetime to know when red flags pop up, take notice, that’s all.
The only thing my eyes have watched is the reporting that the staff(whomever) that may be at the time has been hoodwinked. I don't remember reading that during the run, sans Cormani, maybe Rashada. My opinion, the optics are different, I would not say all negative, but enough. And enough have picked up on it and to me are abusing the gaps now in the recruiting process that Mario had locked down.

I'm probably nuts, so ignore this.
Not at all, there's nothing to discuss once someone commits. Most people post gifs and booty pics (much appreciated) but there's not really anything else to say.

Constant *****ing sucks too but there's more to tall about in an open recruitment imo.
Yea its like a guy commits then gets forgotten until some drama happens lol. Like Trader people dont even talk about him anymore
Latest on Breland is his going to A&M this weekend. Cole has numerous predictions to UGA by different sites. I don’t believe you can call that a whole lot of nothing. Things are not trending well there at all. Franklin and Heyward would help. However, we’re still missing on more of our primary targets than we’re hitting. We’re about to be on plan B/C with LB. We’re already on plan C at TE. Our lone QB recruit is a development guy that would be a second QB in any class. This will be the second year in a row that **** will happen. I’ve followed recruiting for a long time. Obviously NIL has really changed the landscape, but anyone can see things are not flowing very smoothly for us right now.
"We’re about to be on plan B/C with LB"

Thats not really true imo
Nah, it’s not that. I think there is a bit of ground’s hog day that happens here, though. Red Flags show themselves, and red flags r strictly a warning, nothing more or less. Some fans over exaggerate these warnings, while others pretend like there’s nothing to be worried about. Each cycle, either those warning signs come to fruition or it’s a false alarm. Either way, it should be heeded.

There might be nothing that comes from this & that’s my mindset, however I’ve seen enough Cormani’s, Rudolph’s, Rashada’s, Burton’s, Fleming’s, Robinson’s, Henderson’s, Bryant’s in my lifetime to know when red flags pop up, take notice, that’s all.
Spoken like a vet

Even as wild as recruiting has been in the past this summer is up there near the top. It’s why a couple months ago I was like whelp I’m just gonna chill until the season starts. That’s not “optimism” that’s not “slurping” that’s just realizing holy **** this is wild this year I’m not playing the daily emotional game. I don’t blame anyone that does I’m just too old for it 😂

It’s a bloodbath right now and we will find out the truth when the dust settles but that won’t be until December. There’s a lot of red flags, there’s a lot of green flags…but they could be lies…

I’m glad we have Mario though I fear we would be getting steamrolled in this new age of NIL but that doesn’t mean I’m going to blindly believe he will deliver either
Someone should count how many posts there are *****ing about other people supposedly *****ing.

People who constantly complain about other people complaining have to be the most unaware dip****s on the entire board.

*and yeah I'm *****ing about people *****ing about people *****ing, but just one time.
I’m gonna ***** about you *****ing about other ppl *****ing abt other people *****ing after I have some pizza