Army All-American Game - 1PM on NBC

Lulz @ $9.99 per month for that trash site.

I don't get how they have members after August 2011. If you haven't already quit before then (like myself), then you might not be a Cane Fan.

Best part is when you call they offer you a extra 30 days for free "to think about it." I still refused.

What do you guys say when they ask why you're cancelling your membership?
Any drinking games for this one...The ones from last nights all star games got me smashed

Same rules

Muff'd snap is now worth 2 drinks however.

Shotgun/finish your beer if AQM commits
Throw your beer at the TV if he chooses ND
Also any time they show a kid that is considering us and they dont mention us as one of the schools

The reverse also, when a kid who isnt being considered by us is 1) said to be considering us by jokester announcers or 2) has a Miami hat on table when that's the closest they've ever been to even being close to Miami.