Army All-American Game - 1PM on NBC

late to the game, where we at for possible cane announcements?
When is the dude announcing, it's getting to be that time where im supposed to step away from cis and go socialize in the real word with other ppl and their dogs
off topic, but..

BFeldmanCBS: Bama QB A.J. McCarron says he brought 30 pair of shoes to Florida. "I just like to always change or match something."

the f*ck?

Kid been hit so much, thinks he's going to F(ree) S(hoes) U, not starting for bama. SMH
I'm so glad I haven't watched this whole game watching ****** football waiting for one kid to announce. Woke up at noon, made some scrambled eggs, watched an episode of game of thrones, jerked off, went on here.

thug life. AQM time to announce plz
3rd quarter bout to start!!!!!


aww yeah.webp
Keef should throw all the hats on the ground and put on the blue greaters vest and attach the smiley face pin.