MEGA Are we ready for Sat?: All-American Bowl Thread

And you're sadly just a fanboy of "Prime" if you can't figure out how this is being done in the current landscape. More power to him and HBCUs in general but cherrypicking a couple of kids because you're the flavor of the month to outlets like Barstool that will supply you with the cash needed does not equal to being able to do it at a Power 5 school.

And everything I just said doesn't mean he COULDN'T successfully recruit at the next level but there's just nothing going on right NOW that guarantees it no matter how much you guys wanna love a Nole.
Dude said we’re ****ed if Deion went to Fsu lol. Just because Barstool hooked their dude up for a couple kids to get some shine. Miami has one of the most highly respected recruiting Hc’s in the country with a top 5-10 nil deal in the works. While printing money at U health. Fsu just extended their garbage coach because they can’t fire him because they’re broke. Nobody is shaking in their boots for Deion or Fsu.

problem with todays society is parents and people wanting to do things that feel nice. for people to celebrate these kids going to HBCU's for anything other than sentimental reasons is wrong. these kids going to these schools are wasting away. we dont live in a time where kids have limited options. anyone celebrating this is an idiot. both these kids will wind up in the portal.
Nice strawman argument. Show me one post that “celebrates” or is” celebrating” this kid going to a HBCU? Everyone here wanted him. We just don’t believe that not landing him means HBCUs suck and that they are places where kids “waste away”. The opposite of how you are choosing to react is not “celebrating”. If you look up the antonym of the word celebrate you’ll probably find out what you are actually doing.
Dude said we’re ****ed if Deion went to Fsu lol. Just because Barstool hooked their dude up for a couple kids to get some shine. Miami has one of the most highly respected recruiting Hc’s in the country with a top 5-10 nil deal in the works. While printing money at U health. Fsu just extended their garbage coach because they can’t fire him because they’re broke. Nobody is shaking in their boots for Deion or Fsu.
Nice strawman argument. Show me one post that “celebrates” or is” celebrating” this kid going to a HBCU? Everyone here wanted him. We just don’t believe that not landing him means HBCUs suck and that they are places where kids “waste away”. The opposite of how you are choosing to react is not “celebrating”. If you look up the antonym of the word celebrate you’ll probably find out what you are actually doing.
im talking about the media.
Dude said we’re ****ed if Deion went to Fsu lol. Just because Barstool hooked their dude up for a couple kids to get some shine. Miami has one of the most highly respected recruiting Hc’s in the country with a top 5-10 nil deal in the works. While printing money at U health. Fsu just extended their garbage coach because they can’t fire him because they’re broke. Nobody is shaking in their boots for Deion or Fsu.
Our highly respected recruiting HC, who also just happens to be a gameday corch, just got beat out by Deon.
moss is a top 30 kid in the country. from an elite program.
Huge get. Was watching with my kids and got them all excited. They said Miami has been terrible, it’s great they got a really good player.

They’re both under 7.
Dude said we’re ****ed if Deion went to Fsu lol. Just because Barstool hooked their dude up for a couple kids to get some shine. Miami has one of the most highly respected recruiting Hc’s in the country with a top 5-10 nil deal in the works. While printing money at U health. Fsu just extended their garbage coach because they can’t fire him because they’re broke. Nobody is shaking in their boots for Deion or Fsu.
I hope Deion goes to FSU. Means they will never be good again.
The anti black sentiment always reigns. And for the ignorant, Jackson State plays in the SWAC. Most of y’all aren’t mad he went to another school. Y’all just mad he went to an HBCU.
Stop trying to make this about race. Doesn’t matter where he went - he disrespected Miami by committing to Mario in front of his family, and pulled this stunt. Doesn’t matter if it’s Mississippi Penitentiary or Alabama, what he did was a punk move. Wish him all the worst, we won’t hear from him again til he hits the portal.
Stop trying to make this about race. Doesn’t matter where he went - he disrespected Miami by committing to Mario in front of his family, and pulled this stunt. Doesn’t matter if it’s Mississippi Penitentiary or Alabama, what he did was a punk move. Wish him all the worst, we won’t hear from him again til he hits the portal.
When did he commit? Since you know so much.
Dude said we’re ****ed if Deion went to Fsu lol. Just because Barstool hooked their dude up for a couple kids to get some shine. Miami has one of the most highly respected recruiting Hc’s in the country with a top 5-10 nil deal in the works. While printing money at U health. Fsu just extended their garbage coach because they can’t fire him because they’re broke. Nobody is shaking in their boots for Deion or Fsu.
Exactly. And it's not an insult to HBCU football or those celebrating it to say this. I personally love that this current landscape with the NIL has at least for now enabled this. One can have separate thoughts about Deion and FSU in relation to us (or Power 5 football in general) at the same time.
Our highly respected recruiting HC, who also just happens to be a gameday corch, just got beat out by Deon.
Barstool throwing money around for a cute little shine / attention for an employee isn’t cute at Fsu. Only you can overreact to this and say we’ll be fd if he’s at fsu lol. Im also shocked you found the time to take a shot at Mario , I guess that makes an even 600 the last month. Congrats.
To me Dillhole sanders is doing a disservice in taking blue chips to a sub par league on the caliber of Bethune Cookman. Hes feeding his own ego. But if they’re all happy. More power to em.
Barstool throwing money around for a cute little shine / attention for an employee isn’t cute at Fsu. Only you can overreact to this and say we’ll be fd if he’s at fsu lol. Im also shocked you found the time to take a shot at Mario , I guess that makes an even 600 the last month. Congrats.
Probably closer to 1000 shots at Mario this month. Those are rookie numbers, don't worry I will increase that immensely once he starts corching it up against Corstal teams.
He went to Jackson state. It’s not like we got beat by ufag or fspoo. We weren’t outrecruited he got a deal and speech and wants to write his own path. Whatever. Move on. He’s not a 5 star left tackle. He’s a receiver
Some of y’all act like these are your kids or something? Lol! Why are y’all so pressed that he choice an HBCU? Kids choose HBCU educations over PWI educations all the time even when people tell them it’s a mistake. The same example holds true in athletics..It’s there decision and throwing out garbage like “going to an HBCU over UM/FSU/USC or whatever other school is throwing your future away” is a garbage take and an opinion. Leave the kid alone especially if he’s not your kid. What do y’all have so much invested for? Lol. Props to the kid for making his own decision and let’s move on..we have bigger fish to fry.