April 5 spring scrimmage naples

Last year at Bishop Verot was awesome. My daughter was a senior last year at Verot and the school did a great job with the event. I'll be there in Naples, should be better with a healthy Morris.

Turnout at Verot last year was incredible. I bet they have a lot at Naples as well.

Any naples kids in 2014 we are looking at? Also, anybody know what ever happened to Darion Hall?
It will be at NHS at 7pm. For those coming to town, get off I-75 at exit 105 (Golden Gate Pkwy). Head west for a few miles and the school will bo on your right at the NW corner of Goodlette-Frank Rd and GGPkwy. I'm going to try to contact NHS about their parking plans. Typically for games people park across the street at Coastland Mall and I expect that will be allowed for this as well. Feel free to post questions in this thread. I'm already geeked.

Any start times yet